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Reviews for "Domestic Threat"

Just great

Dude i think its awesome how much effort u put in to making a great series and music I Know ur the best machinima maker IN DA WORLD

Wait what?

JonCJG? You're the guy that makes Arby n the Chief on Machinima.com arent you? Either way, nice song man, I like it. I can definately see the military feel there. You should remix the main menu song of Combat Arms, I bet you'd do awesome.

Great :D

only thing i don't care for is the violin scratching. otherwise a very well done project :0

I like this one

Sounds a bit like someone is barely able to move and watching his friends or his team die. A bit like the ending of CoD4 except you've known the characters much longer so its more emotional, for example when playing MGS4 when I thought snake died it was really depressing cause he is my favourite game character.


this is really nice. keep up the good work.