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Reviews for "Cobra"

really cool

firstly, please stop 'mastering' your songs so much because for many of them, i liked them more before you edited them.

songs awesome. cymbal crashes are too loud and melody was somewhat repetitive (for a 2 minute song) and some parts could have been softer than others, but these things always happen.

Step responds:

Hehe, lol :P. Well, there were some songs which badly needed some editing, but I admit that sometimes I mess up when trying to 'improve' a song. Yeah, cymbal crashes are loud, you're right, and as for the melody, Maybe I should've introduced some more counter melodies. Well, glad you liked it, and thanks for the review!

Actually reminds me of "Cobra"

The over the top B-movie action vibe, really makes me think of the movie "Cobra" starring "Sylvester S", the track feels like a poor mans metal gear theme.

I really got a kick out of this, as it was executed really well in terms of pacing, and it never got boring.

The thing that would have made this perfect would have been the inclusion of dynamic sounds.

Most excellent work!
- Celx
~Review Request Club~

Step responds:

Wow, thanks! A 9 from you is indeed hard to get xP. I totally agree on you on more dynamic sounds. The song stayed around the same volume the whole time, and it definitely needs some softer parts. Anyway, thanks for the review, Celx!

First half is great, second half is a bit lacking

Yeah, I'm complaining on a very high level here. The first half of the song sounds awesome and I like the mix between beat and melodies here. Sounds great.

The second half of the song loses a bit of the awesomeness and leaves me wishing for more.
But on the other hand, the song is quite short, so I think if you have the patience to expand the song a bit then the middle part could be used to let the listener catch some breath and then knock him out with an as awesome as the first part third part (if that makes any sense, lol).

{ Review Request Club }

Step responds:

Hehe, thanks for the review, Haggard! I've had other people complaining that the second half isn't as action-packed and awesome as the first, it's true. I've also had people complain that the song needs more quiet parts, so I have a lot to do xD. Maybe I'll add a slower part in the middle with congas and bongoes playing, to maybe portray some 'Jungle' feel, perhaps making the listener think more of snakes that way. Then I'll add some powerful buildup after what I have now, and add that 'as awesome as the first part third part', knocking out the listener with the song's deadly venom >:3. Anyway, thanks for the review!

A third part is indeed a good idea

Instead of doing my usual; melody, instruments pattern, for once I'll start my review differently:
Well, overall it's quite a good song. I really have to agree with Haggard on this one, about the two parts, and I think adding this third part could make the song really good, giving it a little more action. About what apparently other people complained about, meaning not enough calm parts, I think there are fairly enough of those honestly. But what I'm complaining about, is about the fact that you call this classical rock, when what you should have really done is add a powerful, kick-ass electric guitar, yeah, that would have been awesome. Appart that, all the other instruments are good especially the horns that were quite powerful, and the melody is fine.
I ran out of things to say, so I'll do the scene:
On a clear night, a man can be seen running, and jumping from roof to roof.
At first we have no idea why. Scene filmed right in front of him; we see him running furiously, but we don't understand... yet. That's before we see a big, black, military AH-64 Apache helicopter chasing him. He knows it's right behind, but nothing will stop him now.
There's a tall skyscrapper up front. He's going to jump for it, even if it's a good dozen meters away. He runs. He approaches the edge, and delivers what could be his final breath. He falls just when the Apache opens fire. The many bullets hit the building up front, which detonates a small explosion, creating a rain of glass. The man manages to hang on to a pole, which throws him inside the building. Once inside, he starts to run torwards the roof. The explosion creates a small fire inside the building, the alarm goes off. The man keeps running torwards the top, and finally makes it. Once on the roof, he takes a quick look around and sees the Apache flying away.
For just a second there, he says to himself "It's over", just at that moment the military helicopter turns around. "I talked to soon...". There's only one thing left to do, jump. He stands back. The helicopter approaches. He starts sprinting, he comes close to the edge... and jumps just as the Apache opens fire. On the next scene we see him flying torwards the next building, and behind him, the skyscraper's walls getting riddled with bullets, windows shattered. He lands on the next building, while the one behind lets out another explosion, making the structure collapse to the ground.
He keeps running, using all of his strength, and all of his energy to save his life. The AH-64 Apache turns around once more, and this time flies real low and real close to the building roof. It's now right behind the running man. The edge is near. But he won't jump, not this time. Instead, right before the edge, he falls to the ground (of the roof), letting the helicopter pass by. It does as expected, and the next skyscrapper being very close, it doesn't have time to swirve away. Half of the vehicle hits the building. Burning bebris fall to the ground. The propellers smoke and stop. The engine starts swirling in circles, and falls to it's death, all of this while the man on the roof watches this with pleasure. "Game over my friend" he says.
Damn, that was a fun scene to make, funny fact; I originally intended to use the AH-1 SuperCobra for the story, but when I saw the AH-64 Apache, it looked way too bad-ass to not be used in this scene. Hope you enjoyed all of this!
Tell me what you think bro!


Step responds:

Wow, so this is how it feels like getting long reviews :D. Thanks, GX3! Ima happeh :P.

Well, I might have a bad interpretation of Classical Rock, but according to my friend, Classical Rock would be classical instruments such as strings, piano, brass, etc. playing along with rock drums. Oh well... Yeah, the third part is something I'm really considering. It will be hard to make since as I said I have to export the song every time, but I already have some good ideas for it, and curiously, reading your scene gave me those ideas :P.

Speaking of the scene, it was really great. I'm really impressed how well it fits with the song. On its own, it's already a powerful and gripping scene, but with this music playing in the background, I'm amazed how well it fits, and I can easily imagine what you portrayed in the scene. Damn, you really should learn flash, grab other people's songs and make awesome flash movies out of them :P.

Anyway, thanks for the awesome review and the excellent scene, keep up the great work, you've been an awesome help as always! Thanks again :D.

Nice - needs more drums!

I think that there's some epic qualities to this, with the brass that you've thrown into this piece, but for me, the drums don't quite have the imposing thud that you expect from the bass. They are there and I can hear them, but for me, they just don't project well enough.

I can understand what you mean by it being too loud. Perhaps it just needed some work in reducing the brass and propelling the drums forward. I loved the way that you had the understated notes of the strings in there as a nice foil to the brass, it really does bring on the track nicely.

[Review Request Club]

Step responds:

Thanks for the review! I agree with you that the drums don't have that powerful 'boom' that you expect after hearing the brass this song has. It could be because of their volume, and I admit that some parts cover up the drums quite a bit, but maybe it's because of the samples I used, which aren't as striking as what I was going for. Anyway, more powerful drums, got it ^^. I'm glad you noticed the blend I tried to achieve with the strings and brass. Thanks again for the review!