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Reviews for "Noudfjboufdbhouf"

Man I hate that happens. especially when you sit down cus then you can really feel the wetness :(

Dried blood may be brown but its hue is still very different from diarrhea, meaning Milo did indeed shit himself. That being said, I hope they let you attend the resit, being cut out of an exam sucks SO much.

sinnykitt responds:

OH NOE maybe there’s a chance that it’s stained blood and that guy‘s just never seen diarrhea before :‘‘(((

Yeah! I‘m sure they will, but I was still nervous and reread the rules over and over again 😭

Ya think?


And all this during exam stress + corona, you are too good to us :o

Hope you feel better soon though dude

sinnykitt responds:

Yeyeye! Due to corona I had to dip out of one exam, so I had some time to finish these instead (which were all unfinished wips for a while :‘))
And thank you so much!!

why the fuck he in the Blood Pond

sinnykitt responds:

Blood level rises with the amount of enemies you kill ;(