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Reviews for "Grenade Dancer"

Good style

Quote- "Graphics lacked style"-Raging_outlet

Oh please, its not you see cartoons that look like that on newgrounds everyday. Now if it were stick figures then i would agree. This guy is good.

It was ALRIGHT....

I suppose, it may have been funnier to see the dancer get his comuppance by screwing up a move of his and being blown to smityhereens, and I think this may have been what people were expecting. The fact that it did not occur seemed also like a little bit of a let down. Great music though.

DanPaladin responds:

sorry i disappointed you by not choosing the mundane/predictable path.

Wasnt that good

You can do better


umm good, but the saftey distance is 12 metres soo yea haha just makes it funnier

ok,it was ok,not good

it was sort of pointless but it was ok.