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Reviews for "Evolve!!!"

A great simple game

One of the best things about any game is the gameplay, of course. And you can ensure good gameplay with... VARIETY! From the very moment your game loads and gives us the option of starting out with two types of cells with different evolving paths, strengths, and weaknesses... you're starting off well. Now, we get to the control scheme... arrows, spacebar, control... and we're off.

Digesting proteins... hunting for chunks of 4 or 5 or more little circles so as to not waste time with the little tiny ones... there's a lot of immediate fun to be had. It's been several weeks since I played much, but the replay value is there. The upgrades between levels, the clouds you have to avoid lest you wish your cells to die... and all the stuff flying around by the time you get pretty good and pretty far through the levels. It's all good. Warning to all, though: BEWARE VIRAL INFECTION!

The only thing I'd say needs much improvement is the lack of colour and visual variety. Sure, you've got your proteins, carbs, the little white and gray background blops... but for the most part it's a green sea with the little cells lost in its vast sameness. But I love green, personally, so at least it's a good choice for a drab colourscheme. #;-}>

A good, fun game... I wish you well in future game-making endeavours.


OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG! THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!!!! MAKE ANOTHER ONE!!!! I CAN HELP (although i think the graphics r good and i can't do better)!!!!!!!!!!! Will Wright (the maker of the sims) is making a game like this called spore (well the first stage is like this) I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This has an extreamly high potential, even if you do make another one, this will stay on my favourites list. Keep it up! 5/5.


But it needs more upgrades and alot of more missions i understand it isnt finished you SHOULD finish it great game I like the fact that there are two races fun and new better then some gay platformer or a frickin RPG...... P.S. Keep up the good work :P

this game could be really cool... but it isn't :(

The concept of this game is great. It's just... not done. There needs to be definite end-level conditions and some kind of indicator to tell you how far along you are. The graphics could certainly be improved, but that's not a real issue. Another problem is that you're so slooowwwww! Argh. That kinda bothered me. One last thing: it'd be nice not to have to spacebar when over carbohydrates and whatnot. You should just make it go on collision. Also, maybe some kind of active defense system?