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Reviews for "Battlefield"

There is a huge glitch

When you click on a unit it puts a different unit out instead, it spends money.


not very good.

hit tab

hit tab then holed down enter fin

Very Average

This seems to be more of a "how fast can I click the 'hire infantry' button" game than a game with any strategy to it. By varying the castke defenses a bit from level to level, and bringing in more variety of attacks, you could balance it out a bit better. As it is, the game is pretty much impossible to lose.


Im sorry that i have to say that because it sure has potenial but this game isnt very good.......for some reasons..:

1) the rain looks totally crappy and annoys a real lot...make the sticks thinner or just dont add rain because its really hard to animate in an good way....

2)those archers where point and worthless only the melee attackers were acceptable make em stronger or give them something special....

3) it is a little bit to repetitive....ok defensive games get like that reallllllyyyy esy but some more totally different looking stages and it would be a better game but an nice beginning if it was your first: GO ON LEARN BY DOING dont just quit game programming because your start wasnt that good....masters are not born they are pure practice......

Hoeloe responds:

I haven't stopped game programming. Just stopped working on this one. I never really liked defence games, I only made this to test whether or not I had the ability to make a defence game. Since I've become friends with TaroNuke, I've learned a lot of lessons about game brokenness, and if I WANTED to make another defence game I could, and far better than this one. If this game didn't have 300k views it would have been off this site long ago.