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Reviews for "iwp makes ANOTHER movie"

Very good

I loved foamy's old stuff... back when it was funny. And I HATE clocks and locks, but you actually made a flash worth watching. I really do wish IWP was funny once again, and not just drawn out semi humor. (Like "Oh yeah... That would be funny.")

So... Ummm good work.

RupeeClock responds:

Thanks man.

Thank you!

Hellz yeah!

I might be new to NG, but I've heard of John Mathers site, because my best friend really likes foamy. I, myself, hate it. All it is is a big unfunny, sickining, and retarded tween-fest, it really wasn't that big of a deal for me, though. Until my friend made me watch 'User Agreement' I swear to God, I almost Vomited. I could just imagine all the 11 year old fat kids wearing Linkin Park shirts 'Beating it' to the animation. I hated it.

I love you, Rupeeclock! Not only was this animation slick (I loved the beginning with the Gameboy music, and the text moving along with it) and funny (Numa Numa Naruto?), but it was educational and accually showed how low Mathers has gotten over the years. I Salute you <3


RupeeClock responds:

Why thank you! As apposed to all the other new members around here, you're actually pretty intelligent!

IllWillPress is an A-hole

In case you didn't notice, Illwillpress has sank to a new low with his latest flash film, in which he copies off his 'hurricane special' and insults Mexican making him a rascist low-life flash animator. As for YOUR flash movie, I enjoyed it. It was especially funny when Straberryclock was about to say 'tits' and you cut him off with the end credits. I want you to stay on this website, but please for the love of god, get IllWillPress out of here! He's giving me nightmares!

RupeeClock responds:

EVERYONE wants him to stop, seriously.

Well, almost everyone here, you should see the scores and stuff, it's unbelievable.

He hasn't won a single portal award this year!

Funny, man

Yeah, IWP Is not doing very well. he went from funny to okay to random ranting to complete crap. He should kick up his performance.

In a somewhat unrelated matter, that movie isn't anywhere on newgrounds. IWP must've taken it off.

RupeeClock responds:

Yup, he deleted it for some reason with a bunch of his other stuff.

These days, IWP resorts to sex appeal and nothing more.

You have a point

IllWillPress is starting to get boring and has sunk to a new low, was that a movie he made or was that something you made up by the way?

RupeeClock responds:

That was a real movie, although he deleted it soon after he submitted it.