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Reviews for "Speed"


Fuck you


I think that if I met you, I would discover that you are not an intelligent person. Your movies are humorless and childish, you get angry and respond to bad reviews by yelling a bunch of swear words and you are 13 years old. I have nothing personal against 13 year old people but I took an intelligence test on a website and it stated that thirteen is the least intelligent age. I'm not making it up just to piss you off though. It's true.

MasterDeath responds:



it might have been ok if it had some amusing sounds and maybe more people dying.

...uttery trivial....

... please kill yourself ...

MasterDeath responds:

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Just plain bad.

Hey, don't toot your own horn too much about your movie being "fucking funny".

Why? Because it wasn't funny at all. Had it made a little more sense or been easier to tell what was going on or, oh, I don't know, had any sound at all, maybe it would have been funny.

The graphics were bad except for the stock button that everyone uses.

Try again please.