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Reviews for "Armor Heroes"

Definitly a good game

Its a good style but the use of those characters again got it to be kinda boring and repetitive but still a good game so it gets a 4

Great game

I like the system.

If a sequal is planed, character custemability would make it superb!

Not a character style I'm normaly fond of, but you managed to make it look different. The backgrounds are nice also.

Most games on Newgrounds that use a Double Dragons/Battle Toad/Littlefighters fighting system just seem to lack in some places. but in this peice of work, you kept everything rich and alive. Sure, it's a little repetive, but aren't all games? I havn't get board of this game yet.

Good choices of music, it fits the theme. The sounds are also well insync.

For a fighter, there's not too much, and not too little. Sure, there's no blood, but blood would make this game a but uglier. Not much to say about it.

Good gameplay, good controles, many of character choices, each with different Specials. As I said earlier, character custemization would make it perfect.

Gota love the way the enemies die.

With a few more choice gameplay elements, this game could posibly share the same fate as Alian Homonoid.(sp?)
Never give up hope.
~Ekoi Panot

Toccuma responds:

Thanks, I think charicter custimability is a great idea, It just needs tweeking, most people just end up going the "sets" of items, eliminating the purpose... perhaps accsesories like sunnies would work... ^-^

Double Dragon.

That is the kind of game this one reminds me of. And I thank you for that. Its nice to have a decent side-scrolling brawler here on Newgrounds, and it really makes me feel nostalgic. The player models are mediocre, but the level designs are okay. A "Run" option would be nice, along with some deeper combos, as there are only about three or four per style (Punching/Kicking). I don't know if maybe I missed them, but if not, put items in the things you can break throughout the stage. Maybe free expierience in one-hundred XP increments. Perhaps some Hero Coins, but those are already easy to get with points. And thats another thing I need to mention: I think you should use points all around for upgrades, not just for Hero Coins. That would be better. Also, more levels of upgrades would help, because I maxed out the upgrades after stage 2. ^.^; That's pretty much all I can think of, maybe make the Specials a little more potent, but its still a nice game that i'll be loading up for quite a while yet. Nice job, Armor Games.

Nice job

Very diverse charicters. Nice little button masher. :)


good game kinda hard