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Reviews for "HoT-16-The Temple of Time"


George, you should attend MM meetings, Miraculous Musicians. This piece is amazing and the entire sound track has sent me into a blissful place. The little thing you did at 5:00 was spectacular. After listening to the pieces from this sound track my will to follow in your footsteps of compostion is heightened.

Keep on inspiring me

Setu-Firestorm responds:

Thank you. I greatly appreciate it! =)


This is great. Dude, you got serious talent. Ill add this to my "awesome music" playlist. Keep making more please :D

Setu-Firestorm responds:

Thank you. This soundtrack was completed back in October of 2008, but now that it has been fully released, I am also releasing it on here in pairs each day until all 26 pieces are up. =)

one of my favorites

the temple of time theme isn't normally one of those songs that would fit in a movie but you pulled it off. too bad they shut the movie down, luckily someone put it on youtube but the quality sucks, ah well.

Setu-Firestorm responds:

Yeah, I'm glad to see efforts being made by fans to preserve the film and its soundtrack. I appreciate it, and I'm sure BMB does as well.

And this piece is one of my favorites from the soundtrack. I'm very pleased with how it turned out.

Fantastic, found my self a new classical hero.

Heh! But I see your already having a career in this.
No wonder, since this was real nice. Love the calm atmosphere, where it occasionally builds it self to an impressive scene after some battle, but I vaguer it was meant for a different purpose.
I almost love the whole track list you have here. Love the tune, that's all I have to say.

Setu-Firestorm responds:

Thank you.

Actually, I don't have a career in it just yet. I changed my Job status to that back when I was going to score a commercial film before it was put on hold (and possibly may be canceled). I actually work at a 7-11 (of all places >.>), but I do music when I have the time between work and college.

But thank you for the encouragement. I'm glad you liked this Hero of Time score. It was a 15-month endeavor, where every piece you hear had to be redone several times before the final product that you hear now. =)

Very nice.

A couple of things though:
1.) What movie is this going to be for. Yes i know about The Legend of Zelda, but I haven't heard anything about a movie.
2.) The instruments all sound great. What program is being used?
3.) The "Lyrics" as you said, sound nice, but they get really drowned out by the rest of the instruments.
4.) The Vocal thing your using sound good when you can hear it at 2:45, but there sounds like there might be a bit too much reverb on it. I know it's to create a choir effect, but it's a little difficult to decipher, and it makes the rest of the sound just slightly uneven.

Otherwise, sounds great =3

Setu-Firestorm responds:

To answer your questions:
1) The music was for "The Hero of Time", the feature-length independent fanfilm by BMB Finishes.
2) I use the host program Nuendo, and most of the instruments you hear are Edirol Orchestral, a VSTi (MIDI plugin).
3 & 4) The drowned vocals were intended. I was aiming more for the sound of singing more than a focus on what was being sung. This piece was all about atmosphere.