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Reviews for "MouseGame"


My brain hurts after beating that last level.

Good variation on the old style mouse mazes.


johnfn responds:

Yeah, that last one is pretty tough. :P

Thanks for the good review and vote :)

The Best Fucking Game Ever!!!!!

This game is the fucking shizz, awesome all the other mouse games suck ass, but this one hit the spot. it was pretty hard but i managed, and u need to make the blue thing follow you form farther distance, cuz at last level i lured him to bottom and did my bussiness up top. i gave a 10 on voilence cuz of how violent i became after frustration....lol. overall the greatest game i have ever played EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O the music is nice is there anyway i could get a copy of it, like in an e-mail?

johnfn responds:

Sweet, I'm glad you liked it.

For anyone who wants the audio, just click on the link 'Psybot' below the author name on the left side of the page. He has some great stuff!

That was great!

Graphics 5: It's like MS Paint squares and circles and stuff, no real depth there...but that's not what makes a game.
Style 10: Booyah! That was the best mouse avoider ever! The multi-tiered levels were done really well, and the last level was great!
Sound 7: I'm not one for techno, but that was one of the better ones I've heard. Perfectly fit the game.
Violence 5: That was mostly me after dying repeatedly on the second to last level :(
Interactivity 10: You frantically move the mouse around to avoid stuff, about as interactive as it gets.
Humor 5: The death messages were different for every level, that was a nice touch. I deliberately died on the big open space levels with nothing in them just to see the "seriously, how did you die there?"
Overall 10: Awesome! Best way to waste 10 minutes ever!

johnfn responds:

Man, reviews like this bring a smile to my face, cause you appreciate all my little touches (especially the how did you die there message) :)

Violence made me laugh, everyone seemed to either hate 3:2 or 3:3, but strangely never both.

Thanks a lot for the great review :D

nice game

i found a way to cheat if you click the retry the level button you can move your mouse to the place you want to if you move it really fast

hehe, great game!

I beat it! In the end you say something like: "Holy crap, can't believe you beat this game, I would've given up along time ago of frustration. Didn't that last level drive you insane? I sure did" or something, don't remember, well it didn't make me insane!
I found a way to "cheat" on that level, the hardest part was to get the green light, cuz you had to stress at hell, but you could put half of the "ball" (the cursor that is) inside the wall, and the other half touched that thingie who went back and forth over and over, but nothing happened! The most irritating thing about that level was: Letting that blue "guardian ball" follow you and then run away from it just to be safe when you're doing the other things, I hit the wall then and then because of that ;P
Anyway: Great game! Keep it up!
Oh, and I tried your actionscript tutorial before! Didn't understand a shit!