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Reviews for "Ball OF Madness"

Fun but needs a few minor tweaks

I don't think the last reviewer ever played marble madness because I felt the controls worked quite well. I loved that game too, and still play it on rare occasions. The only place where I would recomend tweaking control is on the ramp pieces. Making some sort of if statement for those zones that changes the direction of control by 45 degrees. This current way you fall off the side like an idiot because the laws of physics don't apply to that zone. =( The music was a little annoying to listen too, so please find a longer loop, and add a mute option as well. Fortunately I beat the game too quickly and engrossed myself too much to listen to it the whole time. Maybe something closer to a 45s-1m loop would fit beter. Aside from the slight physics bug I only noticed one other and it didn't effect gameplay. On level 2 and level 3 (I didn't pay attention on level 1) there is a layering issue where the white space is over the ball. I understand why it does it, but since this entire game is likely going to be spent keeping your ball riding the edge you might want to find another way of having the zones for out bounds work. Maybe having 2 frames for the ball, one frame is the ball and one is blank. Then have a second movie following underneath the ball and track layers. The second movie would be a few frames showing the ball falling. When you hit the edge the first movie goes to frame 2, the second movie plays, no more white space making an ugly mask. Last thing is use proper english and a spellcheck in the final. It takes no more time to type you than it does to type u, and it makes you look lazy as hell if you don't. Great job though. 7.5

Shit my balls dropped

That was fun game. I liked the idea and graphics, but those musics were little angoing. Anyway this game remended little like Monkey Ball or this game on PS 1, Master Ball if I remeber right. Still this was fun and good timekilling game and I liked it, nicce work


it was okay but 3 demo levels sucks.


Fun, but way too short. Maybe you should make a version 2, with more levels. Good job.


Never played marble madness, but I suppose I should after playing this one, graphics are clean and simple, and the concept is genius as well, not to mention the tiny filesize. Would be even nicer with only flat or 3d, the mixture doesn't really go together, but otherwise it's perfect, keep at it!
