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Reviews for "Teen People Squad #1"


ok...i suppose you made this cause u were bored or smthg like that?

Not good

This was bad, but I love Homestarrunner.com, soooo, you get a 3.

not original at all

You stole that whole idea from Homestarrunner... ( Teen Girl Squad) the introduction....the title....and alot of the plot and story....and when random things attack people ( The Refrigerator )...But you tweaked it very slightly...you deserve no credit so that Shit you called a flash

how do you parody something that paroies itself?

these paody enthusiasts are the same reason we have forgotten why we liked numa numa back in the day. you just don't pick on strongbad. it's simply not done.

Aggiepuff responds:

lol I just have something to say to all of you reviewers who keep saying the same exact things.

Take a fanfic. A story written based off the ideas of another show or book or something. Authors use characters from the series, and often use similar plot ideas, not as stealing, but as an original take off of an existing thing. Why not accuse them of stealing characters?

You wouldn't review on a fanfic "Hy u stole thos characterss frum ___ you fag!!!" I mean its like.. well duh.. its a freakin' fanfic, thats what you do lol. You write a new story about something that already exists.

Thats exactly what you're doing to me. xD this is like a fanfic Flash, a parody of something already existing thats supposed to be funny. If you don't find it funny, tell me that. But don't use the shitty excuse of "well its nawt az gewd as TGS so u suckz!!!" Of course its not as good.. I never said it would be lol. xD you people need to get a clue and get off your asses and actually make a Flash, like I did. Contribute something other than your cursing and brain dysfunctions. I made something that was supposed to be funny, and while you all may hate it for being modeled from something else.. the jokes, characters, and plot ideas are 100% mine, and no crap arguement can change that lol.

And to address the previous statement.. You can't parody yourself, its just not done.

that was about nothing but a nerd party

its very pointless its weird yet superb its ok