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Reviews for "Frontier Psychiatrist."

Truly excellent

This is really good! The clocks also made a music video for this that was very good, but I still think you should finish this, you are an excellent frame by frame artist and I enjoy the style and work that has been put into this movie

(sorry about the spaces, NG has a lame code to prevent posting URLs so this is the best I could do)

http : // www (DOT) newgrounds (DOT) com / portal / view / 137445

Must finish

Please finish that, that had the potential to be good but you ended it too quicjly


You had me waiting for sum psycho patient on therapist kung-fu or w/e action but ya, it needs to be a finished

Blips responds:

:( yup !

It's about time someone used this song.

This was my favorite song a few years back, in fact it was one of the only songs by The Avalanches that i thought diserved recognition. So as far as sound goes it's obvious where my 10 came from.

Your drawings are a bit crude but still unquiely yours, hence you've got some style going for you, I wish there was a bit more detail at some points. The greyscale seems like the right way to go for the song you've chose, and you made some pretty interesting ways to incorperate the scratching into some logical action on screen. I know I would've been stuck on that little problem for a long time so i commend you for finding a way around it.

My one real problem with this is that it isn' finished. I just think it's almost a waste of time to not complete your work before you submit it. Sure, it may have taken you a while and you want to show it off, but I find it's best to use friends and family for that.

Then again I'm extremely anal about my flash and what qualifies as a finished product (Hence my -none-) so I may sound more harsh than I mean to.

It's a solid flash, and in my book you made up not finishing it by picking one hell of a song. However the fact that it wasn't took a nice hunk out of your score.


ok.....heres the thing....

u can make great games....but...this....uhh....
...no.....im sry to say u got a 4....NOT b/c its not finished...i just dint like it...but thats what I say....other ppl may like it....idk....well.....sry -..- <(...) make more games....u can make a awesome game.....well.....have a nice day