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Reviews for "Sleepless Knight"


it was hard i saw you put in some effort not


The-EXP responds:

what? anyway, actually play it and you may enjoy it

Good game, but has Significant flaws.

First to all the people who say "That review doesnt count because they dont make flash" Grow up, its a Review, this is how the people feel... take it or leave it, but dont complain about it.

The games graphics and sound are smooth and entertaining, but its very hard to manuver when you jump usually leading to death. It said there where upgrades... but after i beat the first level with 58 coins, it just went to the second level with 56 coins... never had an "upgrade" shop. The "Ice" effect can lead to death quite often and should be removed. If you would either add a panning background, or zoom out on the character this game would be alot better. Id say somewhere around 3x more view then you currently give people.

Other then that keep up the good work, armor games hasnt let me down to bad so far =)

Good work i enjoyed it

This was a good game a little shakey but by now enough people have said what they don't like, and you don't need another condescending prick sayin' what you did wrong.
As for people like Ice116, look it's perfectly ok that your a 30 year old man, probably living with your mom, that enjoys flash. However your personal issues are better saved for your
web journal, instead of projecting them onto people like the Authors of the flash programs you watch and obviously derive enjoyment from. Try offering constructive criticism instead of saying things like "give up now". Your passive-aggressive
threats/commands, such as "You had better make this more fun", are simpley making you look foolish, if he doesn't make it more fun what will be your retailation? So just relax and breath, we are all human here.
And to the author, I'm looking foward to part two. I know you will do great.

Ok, But Improvement needed.

1st of All, If u die on the second level u lose all your upgrades, this must be changed.
2nd-WHY are RATS so hard to kill??
3rd-How come killing doesn't appear to get easire with each sword?
PS-I actually Like the game!! (I just think it could be better!)

One problem...

I found it bothersome that when I died...I had to start the first level all over...I lost all my hard-earned power-ups...but I loved how the character changed in appearence as you bought the upgrades!