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Reviews for "A boys Life"


Hey, that was pretty damned funny man. Good work. I hope if a car ever runs me over, it explodes too. That'd teach the jerks.

A fun short

First of all the scenery looked really nice, there was so much detail and effort into it. I'm impressed nice work on that area. =)
But the walking animation really stuck out, it wasn't very smooth and seemed to twitch a bit.

Heh, I liked how he just randomly got hit by a car, gave me a big grin. Anyway nice work and I hope to review all your flash soon! 3/5


I will have to give it to you, while the walking of the main character, the boy was repeated and needed some work, the water stream's motion was really nice. It just looked a lot better. I like the simple nature of the movie, the simple character design, and simple idea a boy to just walk and have all heck break loose. There are some areas that could be worked on and make a lot of difference, maybe some more sound effcts, but what you had was ok for what it was.


S-M-films responds:

Thanks for the useful review I was intending to make it longer and add a few more incidents however I got a new computer and flash stopped working on old one so i had to submit the file for what it was. I know the walking cycle needed some work but its hard to draw frames over and over and over and over......and over again. I tried to make it look as good as possible so thanks for the 5.


i liked it the only suggestion i can say is do more things to the guy..like after the car explodes have him fly and hit a plane and fall back down on a boat have it sink then a shark bite him which does the cartoon effect of scaring him out of the water...getting hit by a speeding boat back onto land and falling into a cactis

S-M-films responds:

Well you must have a good sense of humor because I had intended to make it longer however flash stopped working so I couldnt finish it. I had intended for him to hit the ground have a watermelon fall of his head then have him get up do another walking cycle then a plane crashes on top of him. Then it pauses a few seconds then blood purs out from under the plane slowly. :) I am definitly remaking this but after I take some classes next year in high school.

no fucking point

pointless, short, but with promise; pretty unique style, I wont say improve on it; you cant polish a turd, but make a new one with an idea and a storyline and you could do well

S-M-films responds:

Ummmm I m am not sure what to think of this review considering you gave it a 5 and called it a turd. I was going to put alot more scenes but i got a new comp and flash wouldnt work on old one so I had to submit it for what it was. But by the way most flash on this site has no point however they still say good. I know it shows promise but I am sick of hearing people say that. No matter how far I have come from my first flash people still seem to insult it. Even though you call it a turd I know it wasnt. Considering all of the crap that comes onto this site. Thanks.