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Reviews for "Shed a Tear for Terrorism"


What in the hell is wrong with you???

That's all i have to say....

You and your nephew suck at flash.

I doubt it.

I should HOPE you're only doing this to test your flash animation skills and don't believe a bit of this story you created. Otherwise, get real.

Terrorists don't feel any sympathy for who they believe are "infidels". They don't even care about however many fellow Muslims they may kill with them in the explosions (it's not like only Christians died in the 9-11 attacks!) Terrorists are happy to slaughter as many people as they can because they are brainwashed into thinking that in doing so, they will go to "Allah" and receive 70 virgin brides for their service.

Crying? My ass. More like they get boners thinking about how they can defile their virgin brides in "heaven" much as they do here on earth.
You have great animation skills but you get a 0 for unrealistic and insensative content.


Just tasteless.

I never swear in a review, so this is a first!!!!

This is the most fucking inappropriate thing i have ever seen. You are glorifying terrorism!!! There is no message against it, so the amount of time that you spent on this movie points to you glorifying the acts of violence that permanently destroyed the skyline of New York, and the lives of thousands of people, you are glorifying the countless ats of random violence that happens around the world every day!
So all i have to say to you is that you are the worst author on Newgrounds, you Terrorist!

Right then.

Before I begin, take careful note of the reviews below me. The only one that isnt a 0 or a 1 is written by someone who is clearly a retard, and belives that tragedy is actually spelt, and i quote; 'tradedgy'. Ladies and gentleman that goes well beyond typo. I think that speaks for itself, the movie seems to attract retards to its cause.

That looked to me very much like the 9/11 incident. Excuse me if I get something wrong here. I am perfectly aware that the vast majority of real, definitive terrorists in this world are actually white. But do you think they might have noticed if it was a white guy with porcelain skin tone executing the Jihad? Slightly fundamental research flaw there.

If you were planning to play the symbolism card, you played it very badly. Because I just love symbolism, and I found not a scrap of it here.

Animation wasnt bad for a crippled hand, mind.