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Reviews for "Metal Gear Solid TPC 1"

i liked it

that where omg nice graphics so real...
i love mgs and i c u do 2 sooo thats good..
nice story concept i cant w8 for part 2..
keep the awsome drawing style please
the sound wast tha superb the voice acting was well...good but it could have bin better but good nonetheless
hm im kinda trying to think of a downside here but well i dont know 1 owell just keep up the good work

DjMinge responds:

lol cheers dude

Beautiful looking...

The visuals are absolutely stunning, and you really captured the feel of a MGS game. The only recommendation I can make would be to add sub-titles. I found the script afterwards, but it would have been handy to have that while watching (Especially with Ocelot, Liquid and the Scientists).

Great job on everything else though, I'll be looking forward to the rest of the series.

DjMinge responds:

Yeah i did have them but decided against it as the white subtitlees drew you away from the darkness of the animation. Thanks for the review dude sppreciate it.


Read the following sentence out loud. Awtacawn thownded nlike nthith. A bunch of still images and bad voice acting. I liked the rotoscoping but its strange. A random image appears and its like "Sthnayk, You godda thave owlgath shiled." and then another image appears and its like "Comerade, mudder Lussia iz daking a zhit-ah." Enter random image "ohtakawn, RAVEN?!?!?. Metal Gear?!. LIQUID!?" Enter rotoscoping, the only good part. Enter random image "Why HELLO theah Bruthaah, Im rather SPIFFY today arent I owld chap" Yes, that review sucked. Bottom line, get some better voice actors (dont replace kagome, shes good at VA) and actually animate something (but keep the rotoscopes, they ruled.)

DjMinge responds:

LMAO awsome review dude thanks

Enough to make me look foward to part-2

Seems like a good start,the art is nicely rendered and the animated portions were verry realistic in movement and it reminds me of how few (if any) MGS based flash are serious in nature.Not perfect but worth a look,the lack of action and story puts it a couple of pegs down but being a part-1 of a series helps balance it out.By the way Rayden wasent in the credits so hes not in the series? Ya Ya i know NOBODY likes him but you did say the story was based heavily on Sons of Liberty
and it sounds like your going for a serious take and not personal preferences maybe im just reading to much into it.Be looking foward to part-2. -The Shade

Great plot, good characters.

this is a great flash, but it still has holes in my opinion. The Details of the settings and surroundings are very fuzzy. While I can see the location and what is happening, I am hungry to see more clearly out of snakes eyes and to clear away the haze created by the storm, other than that, it's a great start to the series.