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Reviews for "Suppressed Emotions 2"

Not bad

Educational and somewhat humorous. Good work.

hm... this make me feel like such an @sshole ..

great work ! very influentual if you ask me . at the begining there were clouds , i like cloud ... those were purty cloud .... haha anyway , very nice story line . I now absolutely learn nothing but will try to be nicer to crappy flash that the artist doesn't give emotion and/or love to . What a shame ...

Extreme Psychological Grilling

That's a good basic analogy for the psychi.

Aside from someone being insulted and having their artistic talent repressed while they are overcome with a rediculous amount of emotional tension. It also illustrates how someone with very little positive credit for their hard work would quickly become one of the people leaving very negative feedback.

This affect also works in a circular manner. In recent cases I've noticed that when a poor artist responds to negative feedback in a very sadistical mannerism it will stimulate a revenge sequence among those with little talent. This person then makes their own work with passing effort and insults every single person who ebbs the slightest bit of constructive criticism until they wind back down to nominal levels of general disgust. The ones who started out trying to create helpful ideas are powerless to retract their helpful commentary and just give up on minor talent.

Personality types that are the basis for the end of the process described in your barrier analogy. So it is a bit more complicated to explain how the entire circle begins. However, I intend to address this in my review since there's nothing better to do right now and if there's something I'm not sure about it can be made up as I go along.

Whether someone becomes depressed or an outright jerk is based on whether they're an introvert or extrovert. This is easily explained by how the extroverted personality type tends to simply vent everything that's weighting on their mind, so if something's bothering them they'll become very frustrated and use words they might not intend to. The introverted personality will repress things that they find important and focus on what sombody else wants to hear.

Then there the many psycological disorders that a normal person may have because quite a few things happened to go wrong for them. If an extroverted egotist is ignored they resort in harsher attitudes to feel more powerful. If an introverted narcisist is accustom to finding praise by agreeing with everybody else they'll say whatever they've heard a few days or minutes ago just to feel better.

That is how everything is put into motion. Now there's also the possibility that sombody with severe emotional consistancy or inadiquacy would stand in a similar or greatly complicated sort of barrier like the one mentioned in your movie. For the sake of ending this review I'll just say... good ending, very true.

serious and humorous must see

this thing is good it is serious enough with the right amount of seriousness ive always liked this series it is good must see


now that you mention it I didn't review the flash itself either...
well you get 8 because you are preety good in all things ^__^
and about ppl talking to you like that...
I think ppl need to hurt others to feel better about themselves...