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Reviews for "Rain {durn}"


I love the song overall, im not expert on music but theres a few things that threw me off a bit. a few times in the song there seems to be a building up and then a sudden drop off a cliff at 1 min in and again at 2 04 the effect wasn't as smooth as i think you intended, however since i have no suggestions of how to improve it ill leave it to you, the relatively constant undertone both base and rhythm (not even sure if that's what they actually are) is cool but repetitive but it defiantly has the same addictive effect your earlier work had on me where the beat keeps me hooked, calms me down, and keeps me awake all at once, relaxing but not sleep inducing, perhaps a little more variety in the base would make it a bit more interesting but I'm being nit picky because i love the song, i just want it better, keep up the work buddy.

durn responds:

:) haha, thanks for pickin' it apart, Evintine. I have to agree with you about my transitions, they weren't very exceptional. Thinking about it now, I probably should've focused a bit more energy on them. But I, as well, was at a loss as to how to tweak them better so I just left as is. :) It'll be something I figure out in a future song, I guess. :D

Not too shabby!

Its got a nice flow to it, its danceable but not annoying as full on electro dance music. Would make a nice credits song or flying piece.

durn responds:

:) thanks man. it definitely has a journey's end kinda feel to it. :) I'm glad you enjoyed!

I like this

It's a lot less upbeat than your song Summer Solace, maybe that's why I prefer Summer Solace to this.. having said that, your songs are easily some of the best on Newgrounds, completely outranks my stuff anyway =) stuff like this shouldn't be free to download! Good job, gave you a 5/5 as well :D

durn responds:

w00t! high praise, accies! :D thanks a lot for the kind words, dude. :) so long as I consider myself to be a student of sound, I'll keep releasing my works for free.

I just wish there was more legal protection for creative commons... lawyers won't touch this shit with a 10 foot pole!! :D

Good song!

I enjoyed listening to it, and I can definitely feel your inspiration for the song. I only don't give it a 10 because there were a few minor parts that I thought might have repeated a bit much, but it didn't detract from the song just limited it I think. I can't really compare it to your song Summer Solace because they are completely different styles, although I think that song may be your best work so far. Honestly it comes down to my mood I guess.

Also, I love how you interact with your listeners, that alone makes you one of my top newgrounds audio artists right off the bat!

Songs are tricky to review...

durn responds:

and so you reviewed my character instead. lol. ;)

ya, the main problem with this song, I think, is that I don't change up the progression style enough, follows the same 32-bar structure the whole way through.

:) thanks for the kind words, JCash-444.

Hidden variation

This song is amazing and you wouldn't recognize that fact on the first listen, No its until you heard it multiple times you overlook the seeming repetition and look at for the amazing progressive piece of art it is. I think this isn't perfect as if another minor melody or a noticeable discint pattern from the main majority would this 10/10 .

8.5(rounds to 9)/10
4.5(or a 5)/5


durn responds:

Dang, quite high praise man. :) I definitely meant for this one to be more subtle and shifting than my other tracks. Makes me happy to hear that it hasn't gotten boring. :D Thanks for the review, 3ZB!