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Reviews for "Ultimate VideoGame Battle"

Everyone has their opinion I suppose...

Well...this is certainly a first. Someone who hates video games? How can you hate video games? They're made to be an escape from reality, like movies. But seriously, why hate them? Meh, everyone is entitled to their own opinion though.

However I must comment on what you said about the guys who make sprite movies being the 'lowest of the low'. You ever think Einstein, that not everyone has an incredible amount of drawing talent? Not everyone can draw something and make it look. But they still want to contribute. So what if they use sprites? The animation might not be theirs, but the work is original and it's always entertaining. Again though, my opinion against yours.

Seems pretty retarded though to call Link gay simply because he has an earring though. Not every man with a single earring is gay buddy. Then again your probably one of those idiots who's scared of gay people getting married because you think it'll 'corrupt society' or some shit. I'm not surprised some of these reviewers are dissing you. Link is a legendary character for those of us who play games and not everyone hates him as much as you do. Although, I wish some of them were capable of proper spelling, grammar, and perhaps possessed a bit of intelligence.

Anyway, all that being said, Newgrounds is open for movies of any kind. You don't like video games, this was your way of trashing them. After reading the other reviews I kinda figured what would happen. Now I may not have liked the content, but the movie itself was okay. Nice little bit of music in the opener, and not too bad of a job drawing Link & Sonic. So it was a decent movie, with not so decent content. But I'm not gonna be a stupid little twat of a 11-12 year old who probably wacks off to Jessica Rabbit and tell you that should be killed for this. Your opinion, your flash, you did what you felt like doing. Not everyone's gonna like it, then again, I don't think everyone is supposed to.

So keep up doing your own thing, submitting flash that causes people's heads to explode like all these stupid little flamers, and stick to your own thing. I wish you well.

F00D responds:

This was a very respectable review, thanks for that.

Allow me to clarify a few things.

This movie was not submitted out of hatred for video games. It was submitted out of hatred for most video game related FLASHES. Although I did put "video games suck" at the end, that was only there to get a rise out of the viewers, the prepubescent ill-tempered kids that you have so perfectly described. I knew their reaction would be as negative as possible, and this is very funny to me, the fact that someone would get so riled up about something over the internet.

My real opinion on video games is they are alright. I own a PS2, and, although I haven't played video games in months, I greatly enjoy a good sports game or a romp around town in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. I also had a quite extensive collection of games that I traded in before. As for old school games, I used to go over to my friends' house and play mario and zelda for hours on end. However I never became OBSESSED with them as so many of the folks on this website are.

Which leads me to the reason I made this movie. As you said, Newgrounds is open to movies of any kind. But if this is true, why is it that so many of the flashes that get recognition and exposure, like front page, are based off of some other more popular idea, rather than the author's own creativity? It angers me when a great flash with original concepts and art gets shunned in favor of a flash with mario sprites downloaded from a website and pasted into flash, then tweened across the screen. It may be a good time saver for people without any artistic ability, as you said, but should lack of artistic ability and any type of original concept really give you front page and massive amounts of exposure? I don't exactly blame Tom Fulp though, because for some reason, people adore these flashes; for some reason, the masses don't value creativity or originality. All they care about is seeing their favorite video game characters in flash form. As a flash artist who tries to put actual effort into my work, this can be very frustrating. That is one of the aspects I was attacking in this piece. Now to be honest, none of this would be so much of a problem for me if actual effort was put into these flashes, but working on this project made me realize how goddamn easy it really is to animate sprites and make them look decent. It is very easy to animate a whole sprite movie in one sitting, whereas making your own drawings and doing frame-by-frame animation takes a huge amount of time and effort. Thats not to say there aren't exceptions though. Sprite artists like the guy who made Power Star at least put effort into their sprites, making custom sprites and shit. I have less of a problem with these artists, although the originality issue still arises.

As for Link being gay, who said that was a bad thing? The reviewers are the ones who have turned it into a negative. Hahaha I'm just going based off what I can see. Long hair, feminine features, an earring, TIGHTS, some little green skirt thing, and tell me, why has he never boned Zelda, even after rescuing her so much? LMAO seriously though, people need to stop defending a fictional character so vehemently. It doesn't matter if Link is gay or not because HE ISN'T REAL. Hahahah and for the record I'm actually quite in favor of gay marriage.

So I hope you got a better idea of what I was trying to accomplish with this movie. I probably went about it in the wrong way, with all the gay orgy shit, but hey, thats how I get my kicks. Thanks for the review.

I'm the guy that made 'Ultimate Gaming Parody'

It wasn't bad. That sex scene was too immature. I'm not jealous. But you are of mine though!! Giving me a zero because mine got a higher score!! LOL ROFL LMAO!! You've just made an enemy due to your jealousy. Congratulations.

F00D responds:

yea im so jealous of someone who can animate sprites. goodness gracious that must be SO difficult to animate those spritesss


IT was somewhat okay, more or less... Someone needs to make an ACTUAL Video Game Battlegrounds, though... it was sorta annoying but the music made it a wee bit funny.


that 4 stars are for artwork and nothin else it couldev been good but................

F00D responds:

lmao if i had made all of those characters fight, it would NOT have been good! thats the whole point. the storyline that i set up before the orgy was the most generic and uninspired shit i could think of. i just took all the popular videogames i knew of and threw them together for a mindless fight. the fact that there is actually an audience that wants to see crap like that is hilariously stupid to me


that was crappy but funny so here is 4 for u