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Reviews for "Super Retarded Dog #001"

That was fucking great...

Really awesome front page material...Very funny nice ending...AWESOME!

Awesome Ken!

This was really awesome man, this only makes me more convinced that i should have you in the top 10 or maybe even the top 5 of my favourite artists. Out of all your submissions so far, it is nearly impossible to select out just one as standing out as being great, or to select one that is maybe slightly worse than the others. Your are certainly one of the more consistnt authors on the site, personally i have yet to be dissapointed, and this is probably the same with many other people. Your ideas are always something to like as well, and your overall talent is awesome! Here is my review.

The graphics were amazing, and if even one time i see one of your submissions and dont think this way, then ill be worried that something wrong is going on! I dont think i have given anything under a 10 for the graphics rating this far. The drawings in this particular movie were awesome, they had your usual smooth drawing style with just the right amount of detail where it needed to be to get a full character feel across. The backgrounds generally did their job too, though i feel you could have had a bit more detail in the main movie, and even a simple one in the introduction scene, though they all looked good still. The colours were great, again very smooth and they all worked together pretty nicely. The animation was great too, perhaps the running of the retarded dog himself could have been done a bit better, but everything else was near perfection. The style was awesome too, not only because of your animating style, but for a number of other reasons too. Your idea was pretty cool, perhaps not the most original ever, but it seems you made sure it would provide some entertainment at least. Your presentation was good too, no matter what you make your ideas come out as creative thanks to a unique presentation you got, you always put in humour and usually a pretty memorable ending. Its a shame that we never get to see you continue a series for a long time though, the non-livingstons stopped at episode 2, i hope you can start up with it again some day. The sound was awesome too, it didnt quite seem complete, maybe because a lack of a little tune or something during the actual movie. But the background sound effects seemed pretty realistic, and the voice acting was superb yet again.

Overall this was an awesome movie, with tons to offer to your fans or to even get new ones coming along. I hope you can keep going with non-livingstons one day, or at least keep this series going for a while. Either way i have a feeling that i wont be dissapointed by any of your upcoming movies. Please keep up the awesome work!!!
~Standing Ovation! 5/5

fur-nace hahahahahahahhahah

dude your awesome i saw this on u tube but the quality on ng is awesome u sir are a gawd besides that evil bastard deserved to get blown but awesome non the less.


haha great singin

I about lost it when he freaked out at the watch!