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Reviews for "NG 1337 Translator!"

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If you didn't know, I just summarized the plot of 'Speed' in 1337.

Great job.

|=(_)(|<1|\|9 |3|21|_|_14|\|7

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Haha i oculdent understand anything it looked like complete giberish but its was funny and cool

Yep another one !

I saw this months ago on the FrontPage, Tom found it good enough to put it onto Frontpage.

Yes, it is till now the best 1337 translator, for sure !
........ALL the related NG "Collabs" have that SAME Easy Listening(or whatever) sound.
What's the name ???

It has some out standing(but not outstanding) options, which I found un-usefull.

Well, I like it very much.
5/5 - 10/10
