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Reviews for "Fun with Pause Lock"


HAHA thanks for putting me in it Rise Against , i love you now


god that was funny

Poor lockguy..

I hate that voice..
Should of sped the train speed.
Pretty sure you wouldn't die if you were pushed at like 5mph.

Flash by FuckBucket: -none-

Its amazing how much energy waste on really long negative rants.

anyway, 5.

This is what i told the clocks... now you.

OK you all fucking blow donkey balls,
"Locks" for faces just prove you can't do facial animations
"Fucking douche-nozzle-twat-wafflee" computer voices prove you can't pay 5 bucks for a god damn mic, and voice act, and praying you don't get blammed just means you're a worthless cum-dribble.

Look at any fucking thing from "Brackenwood," animations , if we were all voting based on those flashes, you'd get a -800 from all voters.

You suck at flash, so stop fucking posting crap until you can finally make something that really is deserving of good marks, not something you threw together in 20 minutes.

Sure "Fuckbucket" here doesn't have any flash on NG yet, but I'm not going to throw some second rate film on there that i know is shit, just to hear some douche tell me "Haha i laughed when you said roflolgmplol" I'll post some flash when I know it it deserving of high marks, not what you cock-suckers think is "funny"