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Reviews for "(gaia) va4C 2nd muffin"

Muffin Pornography?


rednikaiaG responds:

WoW Reuben, The World's most FAVORITE Sandwich Trucker------!
Oh, uh huh huh, I mean AMTRAX91------!
I can't believe YOU are the first to review this! That's awesome. The fact that you even took the time to come check it out (I know you gotta check out your competition, Hell, I did too) but then went a step further and left a freakin' review! You truly are a good sport. You know, last go around only one person from the contest left me a review, it was Pawn007. Good guy, he is, he is.
Thanks for the vote Snively, uh, I mean AMTRAX91! You're the sheezy, Main.
I truly am looking forward to maybe one day, working 'longside with you.
Until then, and they announce the winners. . .

................Take care, be good and practice taxidermy.period *winks*

Rofl XD

I laughed so hard at the hokey pokey XD good luck the hippy chick reminds me of someone in my town lol.

rednikaiaG responds:

What the?!?!?! You came, Maldorian------!
Thank you Sir! I didn't think I'd see any words from you this time around, Man. But you did make it! Thanks Mal!! I'm glad you got a good laugh out of the whole adult Hokey Pokey bit.
I had a lot of fun doing it! Heh heh heh The punchline is always the best part, to ME.
Yeah, the hippie chick, is actually based on a long time friend of mine, except he's a guy. I played around a little with it. I'm sure "she" reminds a LOT of people of chicks they know too. It's SUCH a stereotype. Ha! Thanks again, Mal. I really appreciate you leaving a review, Man.

............Take care, be good and eat vegan.period

Tee hee...

I like it. Sorry for the delayed response. Been busy lately. But thanks for the pm on your new submission.

rednikaiaG responds:

Oh wow, Lady Shunty------! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
You really DID stop by and give it a listen! Thank you so much. It means a LOT to have a review by such a wonderful FEMALE artist! Not that you're sex has ANYthing to do with your immense talent. It's just such a wonderful thing, to know that there are other ladies here at Newgrounds who support each other. I have to say, I think I've only had like, three reviews left for me before, from other NG girls. Ok, so anyway, thanks again for your time, Ms. Shunty. I'm looking forward to giving YOUR next submission a listen. Gawd knows, "Simple Skies" was an amazingly beautiful piece! You're a doll! Thanks again, Gal!
Until your next song, blows my mind. . .

.............Take care, be good and trick or treat.period

I hate those kind of people, who are negative.

Lol this was funny. And well done. Yay for you.

rednikaiaG responds:

Wow, Assassin2---------->
You came. I didn't think you would, it had been so long since we last spoke.
I appreciate it, really, Man. Yeah, I hate those people too. I used to go to school with this chick who NO MATTER the circumstances, would find the bad in a situation before she would even ATTEMPT finding the good. That went for everything too. You name it; music, food, Family life, school, her job, money, EVERYthing.
It's sad really. To think that there ARE so many people willing to drone over how bad things are, when they could spend far less time (and energy, for that matter) on simply seeing the good. Just choosing to see the beauty in everyday life. Hell, it's all around us, everyday, beauty, I mean. Sure, there's a shitload of depressing bullshit too, but I mean, in with the good comes the bad. Sure, we all have our days, you know? I just had a few weeks of wallowing around in self pity, but what can you do? Eh? Nothing, other than breathe deeply, think of those worse off than yourself and "Cheer up, cheer up, put a little laughter in your eyes".
Ok, yeah, enough empty, positive rambling for the night. How have YOU been Sir? Long time, no heary! How have things been over on your side of the World, huh? I hope everything is going swimmingly for you, Leech.
I miss you, your music and your smart ass. You talked to Saint or anyone else in Le Organic-Cucumber Gang recently? What have you been up to? If you find yourself bored enough, let me know what's going on. I'd love to hear from you, Mate. *remembers the Super Song Swap-O-Rama and hops on youtube to send you my next song* Damn, I'm slack. Guess I can't give you shit for taking so long, huh? *hangs my head down, shamefully*
Well, I hope to hear from you soon, Man. I DO miss your wit.
Until then, Leech. . .

...............Take care, be good and beware the driveway rabbits.period

Thanks again for leaving a review per my request.
That meant a lot to see words from you here.

Eat muffins.

I just picked up the intercom in the background... Clothes being half off and something about child labor?

*rubs hands together* Hehehehehe.... excellent

rednikaiaG responds:

Wah-Hooey! I am SO glad SOMEbody picked up on that!
Yeah, you're absolutely right! A little truth through sarcasm never hurt anyone! heh heh heh.
You're such a silly goose. Thanks for not only stoppin' by to give it a listen, but voting and reviewing as well, Man. That means a lot to me. Hey, I'm looking forward to what you and MeanPo Inc. come up with too. The sky's the limit, my friend. Especially if you have good people working WITH you!
*goes back to thinking of what sort of voice, a tiny, dragon slaying woman would have*
Can't wait to see what develops! Until next time, Ponzo. . .

...............Take care, be good and be diabolical.period