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Reviews for "Vänder På Kepsen"

Good flow

Fy fan vilken bra lat, nåt man kan lyssna pa hela dagen!

Kinda feels like ska a bit...

Let me see... hope this is right, detta är en riktigt cool låt, den har en hel del stil och originalitet att det, forgive me if that's entirely inaccurate. (Not sure who's going to be looking at this so I thought I might as well have tried typing in the apparent language that song was written.) Anyway, this is a really cool song, keep it up.

Not funk, lol

I really like this, especially the keyboard part, but it's definitely not "funk" in any traditional sense...

Some of the only soul on NG!



Sounds more like Regae/Ska

Although it does have some strong funk influences, it feels more like ska mixed with The Police than true funk. It sill very good and the recording quality is nice. The vocals seems to overwhelm the music a bit at times.

Overall, it has very nice pacing and length. Although I have no clue what the singer is saying or even what language he is speaking, the music does a good job conveying the tone. I guess it is true that music is a language in and of itself.

Oh, VERY(!) nice Wurlitzer btw, nobody has made anything that can quite match its sound.