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Reviews for "lordofthematrixwars"

It wasnt very good now was it.... lol

Riiight, all the voices were too badly done to know wtf they were saying half zee time.

Thats Number one. It wasnt funny :/ Very random at some parts. The only funny bit was after the credits ffs!

But it was plain stupid and It wasted good self pleasuring time!


Wow just really really really bad... Making the same image go up and down to make it look like its moving.. now that's real talent! The voices were just painful to listen to, yes Neo definately sounds like a surfer on drugs.


I'll try and criticise this constructively, but it'll be tricky. I'd advise you to stay on your toes, some fans of the franchises may be baying for your blood man. I'll give you points for trying, but I'd call the representations of the characters shameful at best. If you're going to send up popular characters, at least do it tastefully, and in the context of the character. Turning them all into assholes with annoying voices isn't really that clever. Sorry to be so slating, but Link, Cloud and Neo deserve more tactful representations.


'Titties' ? ... Taht was the bgi funny joke at the end? "I'll bring the titties"/ That's PATHETIC. I don't recall laughing once.. Heck, I didn't crack a smile.

Amazing Crap!

Okay, honstly it was not a good flash, the characters were just a still picture that wiggled and jiggled, who ever made this needs to spend more time on the movement to get a truly funny animation, that or just use sprites.