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Reviews for "SN |Pristine| SN"

Nice - Congratulations on 50

I'm not sure about the vinyl record sound that you've got going for the start, middle and end of the piece here, but the drum and bass have a very nice pace that carries on well with the feel of the track. A great tune that I'd expect to hear in a gym, while people are trying to lift weights otherwise.

I love the way that the track winds itself up to start with and then launches into a superfast tempo that you've built up. I'm not sure about continuing with the piano sound when the drum and bass starts - perhaps something a little more befitting would suit. If it's going to be piano, have it graduate to a proper piano sound and take it from there with some real piano tunes, with chords and melody coming along and really smashing the song open with the bass as it's bitch and not the other way around ;)

[Review Request Club]

SessileNomad responds:

yeah thanks to a friend of mine i have a much better technique to create that vinyl sound, so anything after this that uses it should be fine

lol not somthing i would think to hear in a gym, well mabye the drums which i guess is what you were saying, only if it were to a different tune though xD

using the piano as the lead is sorta my style, im not really a fan of most of the DnB i hear where the bass is the lead

thanks for reviewing man

peace out

Glitch again X(

Quite an awesome song, and although glitch never really was my favourite genre and I never actually enjoyed glitch, songs like these are just the few exceptions.

The melodies were a little blurry together, but overall were quite nice. I liked the part at 0:58 quite a lot. The intruments were quiet awesome as well, although a bigger variety would be a little nicer, since in some parts, the high-pitched got kind of annoying, so you could make a lower instrument playing long ambientish notes. Effects here, were, as usual, extraordinary, especially the ones at 0:58.

The transitions were fine, and nothing felt too sudden or anything, except when the drums were introduced. You had a nice buildup before, but the drums still came in quite abruptly because of the fact that they're so fast-paced and loud, an the buildup was soft. The structure is OK, and the variety is great, if not just slightly a little random. What really put your score up were the tempo changes around the song and the accelerandos, ritardandos and stuff. It shows you worked quite hard on them, and they sounded really good in the song.

The intro was very good, and so was the accelerando after. Good buildup, but as I said, didn't introduce the drums that well, so you could make the buildup louder in general. The ending had ended on a good note, and was in general fine, but the last chord needs more importance, so you could make it louder and add more notes to the chord, along with some reverbed kick or faded sweep to show it's an ending.

The drums were fast paced, and even though ambient is supposed to be slow, you have yet again managed to mix DnB with ambient. The drums were very varied too, and although I think they could be a little quieter, they weren't bad overall. Good samples too.

So... Ambient/DnB/Glitch, you really do make the strangest combinations. Still, I guess that doesn't matter when these combinations always sound so good. Keep up the great work!

-Review Request Club-

SessileNomad responds:

and ambient bass pad would have made a bit of sense, but you see i actually was making this to be just an ambient song with really heabvy glitch stuff going on, but it kind of leaned mroe towards a dnb kinda track and i never really though about putting a bass pad in there, odd, since it is a dnb track

a reeverbed kick or somthing on the final note would have been a really good idea, i think i might do that on my next track, i cant believe i didnt think that xD

at :58, thats just a plain old phaser, in case you wanted to know

as for the blury-ness of the melodies, i actually had a pad doing the same notes as the piano in some parts, and for some reason it like ate up the piano, but i liked the emersive effect i felt it gave so i decided to not try and fix it

long reviews are my favorite :]

peace out, glad you liked it dude

thx for reviewing


The intro is pretty nice. Just like an old record that creaks and crackles. I like how the melody speeds up a bit just before the song starts.

The melodies in the song are pretty nice and very catchy. It's a very varied song and I like that you kinda used the intro again later in the song, in between the two parts and later in the outro.

Too bad that there's such a long silence at the end.

{ Review Request Club }

SessileNomad responds:

lol i almost tried to cut the silence at the end, but i didnt think anyone would care, i guess i was wrong

other than that though, im glad you liked the track

thanks for reviewing dude

peace out

~ Review Request Club ~

A couple of words that come to my mind when trying to describe this song are different, original, cool, variety, etc...

It definitely has a different sound to it than most other submissions on the site, which obviously leads to the original sound it creates. You also had a lot of cool sound effects and a lot of different things going on in this song to really make it sound good.

I rather enjoyed how the introduction was slow in the beginning and then it started to build up. It can help create an image that everything is ok, but it's slowly starting to turn hectic until it quickly turns hectic and then hell just breaks out.

A good song all around and a couple of cool sound effects were there to really help it out.

~ Review Request Club ~

SessileNomad responds:

i think this is my first submission that has an automation to control the BPM of the song, its a pretty cool technique that i was experimenting with

variety was def. somthing i was going for in this one, i wanted it to touch up on a few different genres, BPM changes, effects throughout, stuff like that, im glad you liked that aspect of this

"It definitely has a different sound to it than most other submissions on the site"-- my job here is done :)

glad you liked it dude, peace out

This is alright.

Very nice song here. The intro was really calm, but it kinda sounded off and untuned. If you were to fix that, it would be greeat. When the drums kicked in i was all like O_O but in a good way. haha. Great track, keep it up.


SessileNomad responds:

im glad you liked the drum track, this loop was actually a bit hard to make flow very well

glad you liked it dude, peace out
