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Reviews for "Warhammer 40k Tribute"


daily feature....i dunno, i dont think it really deserves it....i mean it was reasonably good and i understand the effort that would have gone into it but...it just seemed...messy, neway well done

A Poor Attempt

OK, im a collector of warhammer.
If I wasn't it would have been an overall 2.
It had too many Poor , loud , and downright crappy sound effects playing at once,

Though apart from this it has been done very well graphically and looks like the author spent a lot of time on it. Nice siple yet effective effects and animations.

gore and violence is unrealistic though.

But slightly comical (not sure if it was meant to be.)

Well done for effort

Though only watch , if you really need to. Not amazing

A bit too short, not much really happened.

At first it didn't seem too bad and it seemed like a fairly nice start to an episode, but it was just too short and nothing really happened, there was just a bit of fighting and a few deaths, there wasn't really any significant events taking place and there didn't seem to be any story behind the battle. It was dissappointing when you had the crate open and the guy walk out only for you to suddenly end it, as that was the moment where the movie looked like it was actually going to go somewhere and that something interesting was about to take place, but instead you just ended it. It would have been nice if you'd had some story to this and had explained why the battle was taking place as it would have just made it much more interesting to watch as it would have drawn you in to the action more and it would have given a reason for the fight to be taking place rather than it just seeming like yet another violence movie. You had the characters nicely done and they resembled what they were supposed to be perfectly. The sound wasn't too good, the music and the sound effects seemed too loud when they both played at the same time and it didn't sound all that good either, you should have had one louder than the other by a significant amount so that it would have sounded better. It was also hard to make out what was being said on the occasions where there was something said, you should have made the voices more audible and perhaps you also could have added some subtitles just to make it clear.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


bumblebeetuna responds:

youve obviously never played warhammer and cant apreciate it i suppose, as for the random violence thats how the 40k universe works.. and ive created a tribute to it not a series

ok i suppose

a decent movie. the animation was not amazing, but functional. i take it either you're not a big fan of the Space Marines, or you just don't know much about them. But an Eldar Banshee sticking a Terminator in one move is a little unbelievable. To your credit though, there is a SERIOUS lack of unofficial 40k stuff around, canon and non-canon, so reps to you for making something. oh, and bit more of a story next time maybe? The Space Marines are rich in history and heroes, take advantage of that!

ok...need work but liked it :P

even though i dont do falsh or animation the gunfire should have been better and the SM drop pods look like tears with re-entry rockets. but like the overall story i'd like chaos vs Imperial guard!!! ROCK ON CHAOS!!!