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Reviews for "BadGuys3:BatteredMonsters"

Yeah its the best so far.

I dont like this series. Just thought it get that out the way first, but as a halloween flash i really enjoyed it, if the 'tribes people' or 'terroists' were there it wouldve been terrible, so im glad you took the high road. The animation wasnt amazing, same with the graphics. But this should definitly go in the halloween section.

Gave me a little giggle.

I'm really glad you called him Frankenstein's Monster. I hate when people call him Frankenstein, it annoys the hell out of me. The book was about Dr. Frankenstein!! Geez, people are so dumb.

Anyway, cute, I liked it.

Not as funny as your other ones

I think I only laughed at one part this flash. It was just some random stuff and I guess your running out of ideals. Your past two ones were better. This one is kinda boring.

ChrisNosal responds:

It's not that I'm running out of ideas. This episode was just different than the others, and any ideas had to fit into the Halloween theme.


Well I must say, I was rather disappointed by this, the last two were great but this one didn't seem to be that interesting, it kept seeming like it was going to lead somewhere, but it didn't, which was a shame. It wasn't that funny this time either and the only time I laughed was right at the very end when the trick or treaters spoke in the sewdish accent that's been used in every episode so far, it was funny because it's been a recurring factor within this series. The swearing jokes didn't work too well this time, as they just seemed too forced, like you were only putting them in because that's what this series is about, the context just didn't seem right this time and it didn't really work. You should have had more going on in it, as not much really happened, some trick or treaters turned up at a door and some random monsters appeared every now and then, it just really wasn't too interesting to watch, you should have had some more interesting lines amongst it and some sort of interesting to watch event taking place, also perhaps you could have used more than one location, as only using the door seemed a little bland, perhaps you could have shown some action from inside the house that didn't involve the trick-or-treaters. Where the guy was moving his head the animation wasn't very well, one minute he was looking right, then forward and then left it was just a sudden jerk rather than a flowing movement as he moved his head and it didn't look all that good. I was impressed with the sound, never before have I seen the use of two speakers done so well from a flash movie, it was great to hear the sound coming from one speaker and then at another moment the other, it just really made me wish that I had surround sound, excellent job in this factor. I'm surprised by the pace at which your releasing these episodes, you'd think that surely they'd be terrible but they haven't been, they've been good movies, okay I didn't like this one, but it still wasn't a poor movie in terms of skill, it just wasn't very interesting to watch, so seriously well done on making good flash at such a quick pace. I'm pleased to see that this episode isn't where your series is headed though and I'm definitely looking forward to watching the next one.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


ChrisNosal responds:

Paragraphs are your friend, use them. ;)

I decided to use just one camera angle because I wanted it to sort of be from the perspective of the kids. Like we stopped at the house with them.

As for an "interesting to watch event," I felt like that's what I was doing with the blue guy in the background. He had a chainsaw, then he was dragging a body, then you hear the chainsaw, then he shows up with the bloody bowl of candy...

And people talk about how I crank these out quickly, but really, it's just the 3rd one that's like that. I spent a few weeks on #2. And I'm spending a few on the next one. This one is just different because it's a holiday thing. I can understand your point of view though.


not up to expectations

This was an alright movie, and the series was good too. Sadly though, it is going steadily down hill. The constant humor of BadGuys 1, half-and-half BadGuys 2, then the very rare comedy of BadGuys 3. You seem to be riding on your reputation now.

The main point of humor in BadGuys 1, which got me hooked, seemed to be the dialogue. "I go back to town get some ale and whores." The slightly broken English added a hilarious touch, and it seems like you completely took that element out.

I'm still looking forward to another, if it comes about, but hopefully you'll do better. Overall though I commend your efforts.

ChrisNosal responds:

I just didn't have a place for the foreigners in this one (though the kids have slight accents).

I look at it more like: Number one was great...with number 2, I think it's technically better, but I think some people don't see it that way because they expected it to be the same as #1, but I don't know how to make another episode just like #1 and have it be as effective.

And#3 is just a something whipped up for the holiday, whereas the 4th one will be the next important one. And the accents will be back.
