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Reviews for "Starfire"

Dear god..............

That was the most awesome game I've ever been graced with playing, save for the Raiden series and Tyrian. I think you did an awesome job with this and added some way cool tweaks. As a Tyrian vet, I didn't find it too difficult, but the fact that I had to catch on quick was a good thing. The inertia thing is cool, probably the only reason I actually bothered with my engine. :P

Anywho, keep it up, the game is awesome and for making it, I dub thee Vertical Scroll Shooter God of the Year.


this game was great. it might be a recycled game style, but this author recycled plastic into gold! great, simply great. also, for the guy before, Brazillians speak Portugese not Spanish, so i would say there certainly is quite a difference. anyway keep up the good work and make more.

Nice work

Don't mind the guy below me, he's just coked up. I didntt knowtiss ur english bad.

Great game though. It tends to lag on the stage 4 boss that's right before the eyeball guy for some reason, and I don't think it's my PC. I have a 3.2 Ghz CPU, 1 gig Ram, and a good graphics card, so I don't think it's anything on my end. You might want to check it out.

Pretty Sweet Dude...

I am a little surprised though, about your English, No Offense I am NOT insulting you. But it's only that you're 25....I'm only 16 and I speak okay Spanish, and yes I realize there are some definate differences in Spanish from Spain and Spanish from Brazil....but I was only surprised because most people I have met on the internet from other countries have been younger and spoken English very well for their age.......... Nevermind I'm just babbling (talking a lot)on. Anyways Great job with the game. Pretty Sweet, Hope you come out with a new Version or something. I did greatly enjoy it though. I'll accept your feedback if you do feel insulting just don't send me hate mail or anything. No hard feelings. :)
Looking forward to another one of your submitions. X)


sspecter responds:

Wow... I am that bad? :P
And I believed my english was ok :P

Brazilian speaks Portuguese, not Spanish by the way.

Very cool, all around.

I liked the customizability in the Shop area, and the prices were all very fair. My favorite weapons were the Vulcan, Plasma Thrower and Laser Cannon; I didn't find much use for the Spread shot (it just wastes energy) or the Laser (I like to mow down enemies by strafing, not to snipe them one by one or hope I don't miss) Larger engines and energy sources are essential in the game, and both were implemented just right: engines are key to getting those coins left behind, and you simply can't survive in the later levels without a good weapon that's kept fueled. The shields were also nice, but largely unnecessary in the light of below.
My major beef with the game is how many instant-kill attacks there are. I died so many times on the first boss because he moved so quickly and unpredictably. The worms on Level 2 are also instant kill for anything less than maxed shields and armor.
My other issue is the difficulty in picking up coins. Make them perhaps 6 pixels wider, or redo the "collision" code to make it more real-time. I passed through coins many times when my engine was too fast.

The soundtrack was nifty. You did a good job in choosing engaging music from NG Audio (another plus for effort) Most of the sound effects for the weapons were good, but I got a little irritated at the sounds from the larger Spreadfire, the larger Laser Cannon, and the drones.
Also, the jukebox at the end is awesome. I'm totally rocking out at Flames In The Sky :P