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Reviews for "The Madness Of Madness!"


The animation was as choppy as hell, both the graphics and animation and were just simple and boring as a whole the movie was just not entertaining at all.

The secret into animating madness well is to just practice for ages, and improve your animation and your graphics equally. You also have to try to add some originality to it.


MACception responds:

*Shrugs* Eh...Maybe he'll give it another shot some other time. I didn't think it was all THAT bad...But everything could be better...right?



i like madness animations....i thought this would be good..but then he kills HIMSELF?!?!?! not right not right :( bad ending

MACception responds:

Lol...you guys fail to realize...he's standing in the "Replay?" thing, rubbing his head. HE SURVIVED. 'Cmon...the madness dude can't be killed!


Hated it.

K, honestly, this was VERY lazily done. I mean, at the end, for the love of God, a bunch of people come, and even their walking didn't look good, it looked like they were HOPPING! Second, the main character was just standing there deciding what to do when like 30 guys are aiming at him. why didn't they just kill him when he shot with the machine gun, picked up a grenade, friggen tried to stab himself, and at the very end, takes a TNT and kills everyone?!? What type of logic is that?And 80,000 or something kills, you should atleast show him kill a LITTLE bit more, and the beginning was a COMPLETE rip off of the original scene in the second one. This was probably one of the worst tributes to madness ever. Please try ALOT harder.


it was good but why kill the hero at the its ####### gay

WOW, it's sucks

it's sucks cuz 2 resons

1. it's not funny
2. i hate this graphics