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Reviews for "AirDefence 2!"

some lag problem?

The crosshairs DONT FOLLOW THE MOUSE! Sort it out and it might be b a good gam as it isnt playable at the moment!

so many bugs.......

cross hair doesnt work,you cant tell if the upgrades do anything,my new things dissapear as soon as the next level xomes and in one level it goes from easy (even with all the bugs) to impossibly hard the next.

aimer bug breaks the game for me

During the tutorial, the aimer works fine. It follows the cursor just like it's supposed to. But when the toturial ends, it just stays right where it is instead of following the actual cursor... which is now invisible. So, in order to see where I'm shooting, I have to continuously right click and move the mouse while I can see it, then left click (making it invisible again) and shoot, hopefully hitting my target (which is completely obscured by the massive right-click menu). That just sucks. At times, it's basically unplayable for that reason. If you can fix that one bug, it would be a lot more fun to play, because it would actually be playable, and other than that game-breaking bug, the game seems like it could be really fun and cool.


what happened to the crosshair when it said *left click to start game*?

Better than the first, this one was alright.

This was definitely a lot better than the first, you'd added a tutorial at the beginning explaining how things worked, you'd added levels, music, the guns worked fine, you'd brought in a time when it was safe to upgrade, increased the amount of health recovered from the health upgrade and made it easier to get points, so basically you got rid of every flaw from the first one, so obviously this one was better. I didn't get the point of the bigger enemy planes though, they didn't do anything, they just flew across the screen and that was it, they should have been attacking the tower as well, I'm not sure whether it was a glitch or not that they weren't. The only problem that was still here from the last one was the fact that there was no sound effects for the enmy fire, which there really should have been. This one was much more addictive then the last one and I was addicted for a good 5-10 minutes, this was a much better game than the first and was actually alright to play.

Peace Out, Afro Stud
