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Reviews for "Robo Farmer"

good job

I got nothing to say but good job

Pretty cool game

Apart from the awkward controls this is an impressive scrolling shooter. An array of weapons, health and armour was available at the end of each level. The weapons were well drawn and the pricing was level headed.

One mishap would be the enemies, the skinhead farmboys were completely inanimate and dead looking, maybe thats a cultural reference as to a game fault. Also their machine guns had a very slow rate of fire.....which worked in my favour so I shouldn't be complaining!

Unique, fun, but with some faults.

This game was actually really good fun, but I found the keyboard aiming imprecise and slow to respond. That style of control (I believe) Is archaic and obsolete. Having the mouse as the aiming control (With the left button as fire, the right one for shield) would have improved it greatly.

Also, I found the shield was too slow to respond, rendering it totally useless.

The music was pretty good, but the loop probably could have been longer (If that is an option)

Overall, this game was cheap and simple, but had enough of a challange and was thought out well enough to hold my attention and keep me entertained for a bit. Good work, I hope to see more from you in the future (And possibly an updated version of this game)

Nice Game

Graphics-Eh they didn't look so nice. 3/10

Style-Robo farmer. Nice. 8/10

Sound-Listening to guns has never been this satisfying. Okay I'm exaggerating, but they were pretty nice ^^. I liked the music too. Great job. 9/10

Violence-Wow. Lots of it. Body damage too. Gotta love it. 10/10

Interactivity- You control everything, from the way angel that you aim at to the gun that you use. Love it. 10/10

Humor-Heh, robo farmer. Ok laughing done. 3/10

Overall- This is a must play. You might not love it, but you're guaranteed to at least find some enjoyment out of it. 8/10

nice work

nice work one of the best games made on newgrounds