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Reviews for "situation 0: shade"


I felt so sorry for salli, it brought a tear to my eye!! That father deserves to b kilt, lettin his daughter burn alive like dat!! Anyways, u can c how i got into it there, this is a pretty gud flash, quite emotional, mayb a bit more moving flash next time.


This would be a stellar newgrounds submission if you had an actual animation to go with it. Seemed like a good story and dark, nice selection of Mad World. You could still have made it dark while animating it and giving some color and structure to it. Still quality. Nice one.

Well I liked it.

I liked it and what got me to watch it was your punk-o-matic song dude it ROX.

Trippy-Hippie responds:

Thanks! Im glad you liked it, especially since most people didnt.
and yeah, thanks about the Punk-O-Matic song too. Thats probobly the best one iv made.
Thanks for both!


I think I've seen something like this submitted before. The "Devil" character I've definetly seen before and all that 'kill for peace stuff'. Anyways, whatever. It was kind've twisted in a sense and I don't mind that at all. My only suggestion is to put more scenes, or atleast some m-o-v-i-n-g action going on. = D

Trippy-Hippie responds:

yeah, that was the first one...
It got blammed cuz it didnt have any animation. but really its spossed to be that way (i know lots of people would argue with me on that)
thank u!

((( I LIKED IT )))

This was nice, i liked it, the black and white theme was notbad either, i did find the text could have been better presented though, great song though, it really rn the flash, anyways nice work...

Add a solid bar behind the "TEXT" and make the text abit thicker...

A good theme flash, and really good song to drive the animation...
