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Reviews for "A Wizards Tale"

Why ? :)

Why do everyone complain about the dragon? I got it on my 5th try.



Nice movie/game u made. graphics were very good and such. The only thing wrong with the dragon game is its a little too fast. Randomizing the dragon would have added pizazz but its fine as it is, just slow it down a tad. BTW, to all you others, there are plenty of good games that just go to another frame, and Twisted maybe u should try submitting stuff here FIrst before you become so critical of others work. I've done 2 and yes they were blammed but hey, thems the breaks. I stand by this flash and say it is very good

Like everybody else, I must agree!

This was going great at the beginning. Very cute graphics, a little slow, but then the story picked up. I liked how you could choose your own adventure. I like your attention to your animation detail, with the lighting, and the arm moving behind and infront, very detailed and very impressive. So everything was going fine until...

YOU GET TO THAT STUPID DRAGON GAME!!! Without offense, it takes absolutely no skill. All you must do is lose everytime you see a new dragon, go back, and then beat it again. I would like to see you play it.....WAIT, you made it so you know exactly where they are. Well if I was to make one for you you would do horribly aswell, and think it was really boring, and quit and give up before the game was over just like I did. It was very pointless and after about 30 seconds became no fun. I wish you had just thought it out a little better. Maybe you could have made a shadow slowly appear on the ground so that you would kinda see where the dragon was coming from. Or even slow down the reaction time, but make them appear random. I understand you may not know the actionscript for that but if that's so, you shouldn't really be making a Flash game. As I think this is the case, all those buttons did was go to a new frame, once you clicked on the dragon. That is poorly designed, by using just very very basic actionscript. I'm sorry but that dragon game ruined your game. Otherwise it had great potential. I voted 1/5 (almost blammed, but then didn't!) and gave it 4/10 overall. I don't think I've ever given such great scores, and then a REALLY low overall score before. How does that work? Well you ruin it with an annoying game.

Anyways, I really don't think the game - in it's state now deserves front page at all. But....I think if you were to just re-submit it with the game changed or updated, or maybe even taken out, it would be way better and I would be happy to give you a vote of 5/5.

Make the game easy - your movie isn't about being challenging, as the ActionScripting skills show that. Your story-telling skills are much better, so make a movie out of that and make the games easy so we can interact with them, but then find out the good stuff - the story. Good effort, but you just missed the bullseye, but a miss is a miss...try again?

Dragon must die!

I agree I was playing and everything was going good, looked like a real great game. Then when it got to the dragon I would get him to his last life and couldn't click on it in time. Spent about 15 minutes on it to just to giveup. I have been wondering what is after that but, it is just to annoying to try again. Besides that was pretty good.


but surprisingly hard to kill dragon