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Reviews for "YAAFM 11: Scientology"

nice comments...

What the hell was with that comment before me by one MagicPrincessSCHALA...uh yeah that was pretty messed up.
Talk about delusions of grandeur! fist fighting experience, I'd snap her arm as she went to break my head off or whatever heh...

Anyhow good submission, hate directed at a pyscho group that really desereve it!

and I thought cristians were nutty

Does Money Make you that stupid? I thought the names celebs gave the children were insane but this is bout as bad as the muslim religion.

OK then...

Just so you know, I voted 0. I am 5'9, am fully practiced in 23 forms of unarmed combat, and I would snap your chubby neck with a single thrust of my palm.

Seriously though, I didn't think too much of your series before now, but that turned out to be quite revealing. This Time article here makes for quite an unsettling read, and I'd advice everyone to link the link to it (not the sexline, you horny fuckers!).

I love the YAAFM series

You once again did not diaapoint us. You point out morons much better than Foamy and I'm actually a fan of Foamy! Great job!

Not exactly the best

But hey, It was pretty damn good.
I've always wondered what was up with all this crap.
Plus, anything that insults Tom Cruise is fine with me. I've pretty much boycotted him by now.