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Reviews for "=Grand Theft Auto Collab="

the graphics, sound and comedy are....

all awful. what were you thinking when you thought of this, that people would sit there and laugh as they watched this movie.

the next tme you do sound make sure you dont speak right next to the mic, or you get that annyoing cracking sound.

he graphics were rubbish.

Starberry responds:

I know of some people who weren't involved in this movie, who don't even go to Newgrounds and they enjoyed it.

What were we thinking when we made this? The same idea as when the Half Life 2 and World of Warcraft movies were made.

Crap, Crap, Mega Crap

The movie used old tired jokes. no animation just stills from the game and the audio was fulled with cracks and hard to understand and i think i've seen something similar to this before all in all watching this was unenjoyable.

Starberry responds:

I do not understand, how is our material "used, old, and tired"?

I Concur: Turd

The sound was the worst part. It's so bad that all your speakers do half the time is crackle and pop as if someone put a megphone to your ear with a bowl of rice crispies at the other. Other than that, it was only mostly horrible.

Starberry responds:

humor 0

you're the man now dog

Not very good to be honest.

I wouldn't as so harsh as to say 'it sucks' but I really couldn't give you a high mark because the graphics weren't yours and it wasn't animated well. I am a HUGE GTA fan and I feel your collab didn't really do it justice. I thought the sound was well done, but I'm sorry the flash wasn't better.

I'm sorry you've gotton so muh undue abuse from being turd of the week, but you can't report everyone as being abusive. Just because someone doesn't like it. At the end of the day enough people liked it, to survive the portal, so next week when there's a new turd, yours will be forgotton about.

I'd like to hope you make a another flash collab at some point, but take the critisism into advice, after all, if 99 people say they hate something and 1 person says they like it, it's better to listen to the 99.

Starberry responds:

if the 99 people say WHY IS THIS NOT BLAMMED? or THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN BLAMMED or I HATE YOU or anything like that, then the 1 person is a safer bet. 90 reviews deleted man, 90.

Not a very good flash to be honest.

This wasn't any good actually. I saw some potential in Guardian's but everything else sorta sucked. No offense but you should brush up your skills before doing another collab. Cut and Paste sucks.

Starberry responds:
