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Reviews for "Software: The Browsers"


lol, sort, but quite amusing.

I like the 3D animation. it looks so clear and vibrant. Did you do it yourself?

orb responds:

Wow. Maybe that's why some people are giving low scores. Of course I did it myself! If I hadn't done the animation myself it'd be stealing.

Funny yet lame. Very lame.

Only funny joke, FireFox. Other two, no comment.

I for one HATE Firefox. Why? Because it's SLOWER than IE, some pages don't even work with it, it uses blasted Macromedia player which is -much- slower than Shockwave, it asks to DL Apple Quick Time whenever I wanted to view a real movie but I don't trust AQT, FireFox doesn't have the scroll bar menu that IE does, it's scroll is soooo ssslllooowww, it doesn't keep up with how fast I type, especially on graphic heavy sites, 90.9% of its homemade themes don't download right or don't work with the latest version, most of them suck, the auto popup blocker is really unreliable, and it asks me for every pass & username that I enter in to any website. Why didn't they include a "NEVER ASK ME AGAIN" button with this? They apparently thought of every other way of making this thing convenient but not this.

Yes it's convenient tool built for people with alzimers/too lazy to remember 4 - 30 digits, but I know, in future there will be problems. FireFox will become as retarded as IE, there will be viruses, there will be glitches and maybe spyware down the road. Give these black hacks some time! I'm sure they'll tear charred fox carcas apart soon enough.

You can't even switch to one or the other to make room on your HD. WHY? Because you still need IE for all those pissant windows updates. So why bother?

Now that I brought FireFox back down to size, on to your toons rating.

On the possitive side:
The style was unique.
The music was creatively different.
The voice acting was good & in sync with the animation.
And the FireFox joke was very funny.

On the negative side:
The Netscape scene was glitchy.
The music reminded me of the PC game, "The Game of Life"
The first two jokes needed work but IE was the worst
Too much favoritism for FireFox.

4.5/10 (Rounded to 5)

orb responds:

Wow dude, you went a little overboard. Maybe it's weird on your computer, but on mine, firefox is faster in terms of data transfer (actual loading of sites, loading flash movies, etc). I can disable password remember thingies if I want (tools>options, click privacy on the left, click saved passwords, uncheck saved passwords.

Then, you gave 8,6,6,8, but gave 5 overall. (usually I assume if it's a 0 there was none or not applicable). But why a 0 on interactivity? :-( I had to spend time programming all the playbuttons, menu buttons, the weirdo creator's notes thingies.... but oh well. Glad you liked the firefox joke.


It was amazingly short.

The 'graphics' weren't anything special considering you used a 3d program to make them. The 3d program does everything for you, you just tell it what to do, right? The humor was stale. No seriously, I didn't even chuckle. If I were 8 years old I would probably find something funny in this...

Yes netscape sucks, but there were so many better things that could've been done to make fun of it. Firefox, was a fox running with it's tail on fire? Yes that's the logo, but doesn't tell me anything at all about the browser. Hell, none of this said anything about the browsers other than they are all dumb, crappy and have their tails on fire.
How is the flash supposed to help us out when choosing a browser? You didn't recommend any browsers that are better than the ones shown.

This could've been a great flash, but failed.
As of now, this is extremely overrated in my books. It just didn't appeal to me. Waaay to short too.

orb responds:

Wrong. The 3d program does less for me than a 2d program does. I have to spend long amounts of time modeling everything (very hard work, harder than sculpting clay), then I have to texture everything (I created a huge shading network, especially for the internet explorer one), then I have to animate everything. If you use flash, it's kind of like tweening limbs, but harder, since it's in 3 dimensions. Then I have to do all the lighting, then I have to do rendering. It is NOTHING LIKE "doing everything for me." It is extremely complex. If it did everything for me, wouldn't there be tons of high-quality 3d animations on Newgrounds? You need to get your facts straight. There's a reason why no one else voted so low on graphics.

And I was saying that firefox is the best because it's as fast as a fox running from its tail which is on fire. It was a joke, I didn't seriously mean to help guide you on which to choose. You took it too literally.

You think it's overrated because you've never tried using the program Maya. Go ahead, go to www alias com and download the free trial (called Personal Learning Edition) and see if you can make a single polygon move. Nope. You can't. So don't tell me I just talk to the computer and it does what I want.

that was retarted

that was really retarted. the netscape one was plain dumb, the internet explorer wasnt great, and firefox was a lil funny.


Firfoxe is suck i miss nestape