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Reviews for "black ninja (old flash)"

If you knew it was crap, why did you submit this?

It was pretty short, no sound, no preloader. Text was off the screen a bit when the guy talked.

Animation was a bit jerky, but you could see what was happening. Drawings were okay. I hate the anime/manga style of drawing, but I tried not to let that factor in.


KenSkaii responds:

i want you guys to see how i used to do flash compared to the way i animate now. im glad you didnt let your hate for anime/manga style factor into your reviews. thanks


It looked like Dragonball Z, but without the budget...

KenSkaii responds:

yeah. i know. thats all i used to draw. it took me a while to stray away from that style. my drawings still have a hint of dbz on them. thanks for the commment


its a good movie as seen as it was made when you had first got it (beter than my first ones) Just one thing tho...why do you put movies on that you know ared just going to get blammed....?lol

KenSkaii responds:

i want you tosee how i used to do flash compared to how i do flash now

man that sucked

i mean come on that was some of the worst fighting choreagraphy i have ever seen

KenSkaii responds:

so i assume you could do better?

You really are stupid.

I would've given you a reasonable score, but decided to give you all zero's because of your response...A response I hear from a lot of artists that really boils my blood.

"I suppose you could do better"

Well, moron, that shouldn't be a factor. When you come out of a cinema after seeing, say, grease 2 (a crap movie by anyones standards) do you expect the producer to come up to you and say 'I suppose you could do better?' NO! Because you can criticise someones work without having to have any talents of your own.

And another thing, are you biased towards those with physical disabilities who criticise others when they do a bad job? I mean, you can't expect someone with no legs to win a marathon but if someone loses the cripple still has a right to say 'hey shitface, you suck!' because afterall, if we can't call someone a dipshit for making a crappy cartoon, then we've let the terrorists win.

By the way, you're animation (which is pretty much the only thing to judge) was reasonable at least. However, you get a zero for being petty and moronic.

KenSkaii responds:

i love pie XD