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Reviews for "Decline of Video Gaming 3"

The decline of the flash bros

This would appear to be the end of the flash bros, Decline #1 was the greatest comedy of all time and Decline #2 was just as good but this is awfull. There are very little good jokes which makes it get boring very easily, the plot is absolute shite and well to be honest... i'd have more fun watching paint dry, grass grow, ice melt, metal rust, playing domino's or yes even watching this Tom dude burn. (no offence to Tom) I'm most sad to say that this is the end, the decline of the super flash bros. :(

It's not total crap, but could use lots of work.

The main problem with this is that it got old a long time ago and it’s as boring as hell. When I found out that this Flash that was suppose to make me laugh was made by a bunch of RPG guys that hardly even attempted to properly parody video games that I’d be in for a long, boring, unfunny, crappy and massively overrated ride, and that’s what it turned out to be (kind of like RPG’s themselves).
Let’s start with the obvious; “Since we were so cruel to the DS last time…” How so? It was parodied as a pet in a non-insulting (but very funny) way, and that’s cruel? They could have mentioned dead-pixels for the PSP, the short battery life (not in the creator’s notes, but in the actual show), or the third-parties making porn videos for it and not doing anything to stop them.
The proper way to point out declining in video games and parody it at the same time is the way it was done with the DMC take in this episode, which is the only good part of this whole boring presentation.
Half of the scenes here could have been easily removed and not have been missed.
The sound is pretty annoying and bland. Dim, after 3 previous Decline episodes, still hasn’t learned to raise his voice, I still can’t tell Dan and JT, Tom really isn’t needed, and the voice acting was bad in general.
The music (when there actually WAS music) wasn’t fitting. And Guns ‘n’ Roses really isn’t that good of a choice for a Flash about video game descriptions.
There is only one funny scene. It’s the truth. Accept it. There’s something wrong with anyone who thinks otherwise. The humor was virtually non-existent. Mainly because there were so few attempts at it. Anyone who finds that there is more then one funny scene here is either under the age of 15, or it only takes something as stupid as a fart joke to make them laugh. Either way, this is seriously lacking in the intended humor department and people are finding humor where there really is none.

There are a total of 8 direct parodies of Video Games in this movie:
1 is funny.
2 is a Simpsons joke rip-off
3 is one you could leave out all together.
4 & 5 are the standard Link appearances to get a 5 from all the fanboys who can’t see that the Zelda games were never anything beyond mediocre.
6 is a parody of a scene from a great game that didn’t need a parody what so ever, as you can see by the sad attempt to make a joke with it.
7 & 8 just state the obvious without getting any laughs.

The mix of “insulting” of systems and games needs to be taken to a whole new level, and I mean quickly and with talent. Don’t just have Dim, JT, Dan, and Tom dick around with things forever and not even involve video games, instead treat it more like A Decline Christmas. Where there was there was no retarded unneeded plot involving people other then the main ones, and more direct parodying of video games and actual funny things happening.

And “Decline of Video Gaming”? I just realized that facts about games declining are almost never pointed out. For future reference they could point out:
Decline of Difficulty: The Zelda games.
Decline of Gamer Intelligence: Xbox fanboys who take graphics over game play (quality).
Decline of Story: Halo / Halo 2
Decline of Taste: DOA Beach Volleyball, Tomb Raider.
Decline of Developer Intelligence: Multiple crappy “.hack” games.
Decline of Ideas: Final Fantasy games.
Decline of Gamer Intelligence 2: Suggesting that games like Metal Gear Solid 2 and Killer 7 are to hard and have a story that makes them think.
Decline of Reviewer Intelligence: Complaining that games like Killer 7 and Resident Evil 4 look bad on the PS2 when they were never meant to be ported to it in the first place from a system with a superior graphics.

The crew obviously knows their video games, but rarely parody them or point out faults in actual funny ways, and could use a lot of improvement in many areas. If they were to focus on the actual declining of video games and mix in parodies in as well then this could actually live up to it’s name without turning into a boring mixed-up humorless mess.

The-Super-Flash-Bros responds:

Those are some original ideas you've got there. Next step - spend 6 months of your life putting them into a Flash cartoon so we can all laugh at them.
Good luck!


As well animated as this may have been, prettiness doesn't make the movie. Anyone who's as avid a gamer as you claim to be should know this.

These "jokes" might make a 12-year-old laugh, but the near complete lack of originality of imagintation in your writing left me yawning.

Every time a new one of these comes out I'm shocked to see how many people blindly vote 5, for seemingly no reason.

only decent

i only chuckled a little but thats really it, its not really funny.

Forced & Tired Installment with a Polished Look...

While having enjoyed the previous Decline movies greatly, I found this installment rather disappointing.

While I applaud you for vastly improving the look from the previous installments, that's the only thing that Decline 3 has to show for itself. Everything else feels forced and tired as if the only concern was to churn the product out for the mob of fans rather than true passion.

For one, where's the story? It goes nowhere! This installment is so muddled and directionless that the only thing linking the events together are the parodies just so it can get from Point A to B. I mean, it's never even defined why Dim and the gang were in Japan in the first place. They just go there! Plus, the Evil Developers bring nothing new to the table either. It just feels like a poor carbon copy of Decline 2 with a new setting and polished look at times.

Which also brings me to the jokes. While the jokes in the previous Decline movies felt inspired, unpredictable, ribald, random, and original, the ones in Decline 3 all are either based off existing jokes, predictable, tired, or just very lame. For instance, the jokes involving the MSG3 dream based off the chocolate land segment from The Simpsons or the whole "Evil Robot Usses" from Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, and even the whole phone call stuff from all those lame 90's post-Scream slashers. We've seen it all done before and a lot better. The jokes just feel lazy. The quality has downgraded to that of the current Legendary Frog cartoons.

Some of the jokes make no sense either. For instance, why does JT scream at the end of his first MSG3 dream? Also, the Zelda: Minish Cap joke made no sense at all. The only parts that honestly made me laugh was the opening with the PSP, the jokes with Tom avoiding fire, and the Metroid joke.

Another thing that bothers me is you have some really nice setups to some fabulous ideas but the execution is half-cocked. For one, the game show doesn't even feel like one due to the fact that Dim, Dan, and JT are the only ones answering the questions or participating. The other team presents no challenge for them. Also, the evil robots were a cool concept but they are defeated much too easy!

All you have here is eye candy with a glossy sugar coating.

Now don't get me completely wrong, I appreciate the time you put into this but it feels like there was no passion going into this installment this time. It felt more like it was being rushed out just to keep the masses satisfied. This series basically went out with not a bang but a whimper. In my mind, A Decline Christmas is Decline 3.

If you guys even attempt a Decline 4 (which I doubt you will since you voiced that there is no interest), don't completely give in to the mass of fans. Take your time to make the best product with not just improved looks but improved and fresh material too.

But nonetheless, you guys deserve some credit and a break for the all the time you put into this series.

The-Super-Flash-Bros responds:

candy with a glossy sugar coating?

Thanks for the well written, well thought out review. The 'repeated jokes' are running gags (seen in many cartoons) and the direct references to other things is called satire. JT screams at the end of his MGS dream because Snake equips a microwave. Its a pretty horrific image. The Minish Cap scene.........he's small - he gets eaten by a bird. Simple, no?

Decline 3 - if anything - was NOT rushed.
