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Reviews for "MLK Assassination"

goddammit killingspeerx, the goddamn name of the guy appears on the tags, as kruger Freddie, yes it is a mess, yes that's not his name, but you just copy paste it and Google will guide you!

@killingspree, that's Freedy Kruger, a demon like humanoid from the nightmare on elm street movies. The only fighting game he's been in is Mortal Kombat 9 which is produced by Nether realm studios and published by Waner Brothers

On topic: this is hilarious

What... The... Fuuuuuuuuuuck?
(it took me a minute to get it)

killingspeerx I hope your joking because if you don't know who freedy crueger is than you must be living under a rock

There is a very special place in Hell for you, good sir!

I think they call it "marketing". :P