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Reviews for "M.S.R.E ep.2"


Why do I not get the feeling you worked really hard on this one? There are several reasons. I can start with the outlines, you can still see white lines at the end near the frames. Which means the size isn't really fitting. That can be arranged tho so I hope you change it.

Second, the animations somehow seemed a bit stiff. Like the water not moving, and the character not stopping to run when he stood perfectly still when he had ran down the stairs. Also when the soldiers shot the monsters ... hmm... the middle monsters head exploded frequently eaven witout the soldiers shooting at it.

The movie was all too short, it really didn't deliver anything as a follow up to the first movie. It should have had more substance. I also felt that you rushed through the movie, it felt very much like you were thrown around in the story. Suddenly they were there, then they ran over there ... Id really say it was rushed.

But what really was the worst thing with this movie, and I think a while bunch of people can agree - was the music. Duude! The music didn't fit in AT ALL!!! You have chosen hectic techno songs to a calm movie and it really gives me kind off a headache just watching this movie to that music. The last song ... I would recommend resubmitting this movie and fixing these things. The movie is a unsliced diamond basicly.

Well, there is nothing really WRONG with the overall story. But the text boxes were all too boring to read... They also were kinda clumsy sizewise and looked uncarefully placed. It would be more pleasant to read as a subtitle section down on the screen. Or if you could yourself push buttons to continue to the next speech bubble

I would also recommend a higher Frames Per Second value to the movie since the movements were a bit choppy.

I understand the hard work making a sprite movie. But it could have been oh so much better if it floated along better and the mistakes were fixed. Its not a bad movie, but I don't find it anything more than just OK. Vote: 2

Dusty-Gorilla responds:

Well thanks I will change as much as i can.

Nice ending

Again there was a little white border around the outside of the Flash at times, perhaps you could have resized the window size of the movie a little so that this problem wouldn't have occurred. Also there were a few scenes where the background would move about, resizing itself, which to be honest didn't look good at all.

Yet again, the text boxes didn't look too good against the background, like I said before, perhaps a subtitles bar for the text could have worked.

I thought you ended it rather nicely, it was a nice little moment, as the giant bug came out of nowhere and attacked Marco, leaving him seemingly as dead. A nice way to end it, which has got me looking forward to seeing the next episode.

The movie could have done with some more fitting music though. Particularly when Marco got attacked by the bug, as that really needed some tense music to go with the action, as it would have drawn you in to the story more and made it seem more enjoyable.

Lots Of Love, Rebecca Rose

Dusty-Gorilla responds:

Shorten down the reviews pweez.

Eh. kinda sucked.

Seen better. Done better (sprites). not sure how you managed to mess the background up. it was moving in some scenes. good job!

Dusty-Gorilla responds:

Good job but it kinda sucked? Screw u.


^^Good Points^^
The storyline is still pretty good and is developing nicely, and the blood you used was pretty good.

^^Needs Improving^^
The screen seemed to be constantly moving and there are always white borders moving in and out of the screen. The music once again, was very weird and didn't seem to fit. Also some of the animations were a little off (for example when the one zombie just disappeared).

Dusty-Gorilla responds:

Yeah....see this is very old work.

even worse than ep1

Why is everything animated the same??? E.g's : The two military guys, moving exactly the same way and every explosion in the movie was identical.
Its really unrealistic... Why would 2 soldiers have worse guns than the two civilians?? And why would the soldiers not run away when they knew that cannon thing was coming?? They well coulda got down the stairs. Also, the two guys just 'hopped' over the fence... that fence was about twice their height and it had razorwire along the top!! Id like to see someone 'hop' over that! And the thing that blew up the city was not a nuke, nor did it come from a plane. Nor did it hit the city, it hit the bottom of the screen.
This series is really bad so far.

Dusty-Gorilla responds:

Dude your funny as fuck