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Reviews for "ONE GUN"


from the person who does XIN i would have expected more im disopointed


Ok, i liked the drawings and all but this whole thing seemed completely pointless to me. I saw a couple of people wrote in their reviews that they liked the plot, and i'd like to ask one thing, What fucking plot? I didn't see a plot in all of that bull shit, unless i missed something, which I doubt. Violence is fine and cool and everything but it will never get more then a 4 or 5/10 without a plot as far as im concerned.

WTF it was okay but y was it frontpage?

well i'll say this best i can....although that film had style the graphics were pretty bollocks. the 3D section was probably best bit and even that didn't fit. not sure y it was front page as there is nothing out standing about it. dud learn to draw!

Thoroughly unenjoyable, for me at least

This was one the the most cliche horribly thought out plots I've ever seen. It looks to me like you put VERY little thought into it and instead of actually going for a real storyline you threw together a bunch of cliches from crappy action films. Even on a pure entertainment level, this flash failed for me. I mean when a plot is sooo simplistic (cool hitman, badass, new job, kills a bunch of people, exploding heads, blood, guts, violence, a car chase, end) with absolutely no meaning behind it or any serious storytelling put into it, it really pisses me off and prevents me from enjoying something that might otherwise be some cheap thrill.
But I mean, this story was REALLY trash. Dude, THOUGHT. Put some THOUGHT into the next one. Have some meaning behind it. Please. It's really painful for me as someone who loves movies and animation to watch something like this.
Oh yeah, and the graphics weren't very good either. Your drawings were not very good, although I did enjoy the effects.
The music was excellent, the high point of the flash. I dunno, maybe you should stick to makin music.


Well, I admit, I couldn't pay too close of attention to what was going on in the movie because the visuals troubled me so. The graphics weren't that good, but despite that, it seems as though you tried to add refined details like the occasional shine of light on the sunglasses (or perhaps I should say constant shine--light wouldn't reflect off of his glasses every other second, and would only do so at all if he was in constant motion. If he stops, the reflections stop). It confused me that you added details that minute while not putting detail into the characters, backgrounds or props (the guns, for example--the revolver being the only exception).

So, I don't know, I don't see how it would be a parody; an homage, maybe... not to Silence of the Lambs perhaps, I'm not farmiliar with the "Bullit" movie you mentioned. Either way, it just needs a bit more work.