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Reviews for "Starcraft Homeworld remix"


With your talent, you should make a battle between a Protoss and (something, maybe another protoss?) in a battle to death, tho with more flexible movements then they had in this, maybe doing some kind of a fuse between a high templar and a zealot against a devouring one?

(: Since theres no such flash on newgrounds, if there is, they dont have a good graphic and very bad done, but anyway, you'll be the one that made it ^^ And I bet alot of starcraft fans would like it... No wait, not like, Love!

LegolaSS responds:

thank you winged-darkness your your ideas and views, but you see, not only am i already working on a long flash about warcraft3 i also have a lot of other ideas lined up, these include a final starcraft music video and even a halloween special this halloween... i am already bogged down with to much work from college and the like so i will think about this idea when the time comes to start somthing new... but overall im glad you enjoyed my work.

Where can i find that music

Ya i was just wondering if you have the background music or no where i can find it because i love techno and do you make a full mp3 of the final cut, you know like the all your base song.

this... isnt a good remix

this isnt really a remix... its taking a techno song n throwing in sound clips... learn to remix well before doing something like this for all our sakes.

Eh, I dont know..I didnt really like it

the only thing that I liked about this was your graphics...everything else was just kinda dumb. I was expecting the Zealots psi blades to be a lot longer and cooler than that. They barely passed their hands in length, if that. The song wasnt that great, especially with the quotes that didn't fit. "This is not WarCraft in space!" "I wonder what this button does." No, none that that made sense dude.

But what really bugged me out of all of it was that nuclear missile. Oh my gosh dude, what the heck? C'mon man, you know that no one is going to use a big ol' powerful nuclear missile on a stupid dinky interceptor. What was that?! Really, that was just dumb.

There were just a few other things, having to do with the reality of it all. (tanks shooting at such close range). But your graphics saved you..for the most part

Overall, decent job.


LegolaSS responds:

ok i know its not the best moive ever but you must understand i created a moive based on the music, second of all, these are early days, you can not espect somthing spectatular now?... ok, now to answer your questions... the psi blade... ok sure if you thought they were lightsabers on the end of there hands, well thats fine, yeah i suppose there a little short but its rather hard to tell when there that small, the song was somthing i found which had zealots talking in and i thought would make a intressting moive, the nuclear missile... ok they fired the missle at a protoss base, but the interceptor... well.. intercepted, and got in the way thus blowin up, some people saw it like that, others saw it like you... and the tank shootin at close range, right as you may of seen, the zealot just standing there... well thats just down 2 to factors, time... and lazyness... but thank you for writing such a detailed review, i apressiate it, and i hope i have answered all your questions, if not email me, thxs darkend hope to see you reviewin over moives soon...


Okay good animation, shows the storyline well...
You didn't even show what happened to the nuke and interceptor!