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Reviews for "Starcraft Homeworld remix"


The animation was ok but i really loved that you used the sounds and voices from the game. Plz do Wacraft 3.

LegolaSS responds:

many people want me to do a wc3 one, so im most likly to do one soon keep your eyes open :)

Very very well made

This was made very well, the drawings are amazing. However, I say it could use a little less tween, a little more fbf, unless you were planning to tween all the body parts instead of make it just one body.

However, it was very well done, great job.

LegolaSS responds:

well you see FLCLmonkey... *hmmm FLCL... where have i heard that before...* anway you see the zealot took me a day to draw... a whole day... and if i was to make this in fbf then i would have never got it completed within the deadline, my next one i hope will not have a deadline... thus making it better... but making the finishing date uncertain, i will add alot more FBF seen as there is little or none, what can i say... i got lazy, apart from that thanks for reviewing chow...

i liked it alot

unlike the person before me i thought it was good i hated the music but the way you made it was awsome keep up the good work


and small size makes me wonder. Good job.

LegolaSS responds:

hey BL00dASp again, this is my second movie, its the follow up from the first, but anway thankf for leaving a review.

I love it.

Do you know who Intel is? He makes awesome Starcraft techno songs. They tell a story using voices from the campaign...you should make a flash using the Dark Brethren CD. Kerrigan dies in the ends, killed by Zeratul and Tassadar!!!!! DEATH TO THE WEAKLING QUEEN! My email is the_reaper_72 at yahoo. I think you can figure out what it is from that. Email me if you want to know where to find Intel's stuff....unless you are Intel, lol.

LegolaSS responds:

*BWHAHAHAH i am INTEL MASTER OF ALL... *ahem* jking * intel?... isnt that a computer mircoprocessor or somthing?... but hey, if the guy / lass wants me to make a flash with his /shes music... he / she will get in touch, at the moment i have far to much studding *wink wink* to do so i havent got the time to create these flashes... but i still am collecting ideas and drawings, so keep an eye out!. chow for now... and if u want to message me again, my emails on my profile (or should be :S).