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Reviews for "Shy Guy's Big Bird Chase"

:SWE: Ganska sådär :ENG: Average +

:SWE: Ett snyggt, snabbt och simpelt spel. Dock tycker jag det var lite för lite för mig. Det som störde mig mest var att efter varje spel så var man tvungen att se introt och sedan trycka på Play igen. Väldigt irriterande. Sedan tycker jag inte kontrollen var riktigt fungerande. Var det varannan (vänster höger vänster) eller båda samtidigt? Lyckades aldrig få upp den där grejen någonting oavsett hur mycket jag kämpade. Nja, nog har du gjort mycket bättre alltid. Röstar: 2

:ENG: A nice, fast and simple game. Though it was too little to satisfy me. What disturbed me most was that after every game you had to watch the intro and then push Play again, very annoying. Then i don't think that the controls were really responsive or working. Was it left, right left you were gonna push or both together? I really didn't get that thing up any far no matter how hard I fought. You have done much better than this. Vote: 2

thanks for wrecking my keyboard

thanks for wrecking my keyboard asshole. This wasn't a game. It was a bore fest. This has absolutely no fun in it at all. People just like it because it's Mario related.


i wish i could give this a good review, but i cant


This was a very bad call:

-Bad concept

You just killed me here, nice job. -_-

controls don't work

unresponsive controls and seconds would stop if kept pressing right and left.