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Reviews for "Turkey Mania"


Very funny game, actually you should have translated the Dutch into English before submitting it to Newgrounds, people have actually no clue whether you have to avoid or hit the turkeys. (a lot of people dont read author comments)
The graphics were funny and the sounds corresponded with the style of the game.
But you should really reconsider some other parts of the game, like the issue you noticed yourself: that it may be impossible to avoid some turkeys.
The solution to this may be simple: Make the turkeys smaller and play with the actionScript a little. Or maybe you should broaden the road. A distance indicator would be sweet as well :)
Anyhow, keep up the good work!

ri0t1985 responds:

i know, i know. like the author comment sais i just made this for a project in college. we cut the entire project into bits and pieces so i wondered howmuch the people at newgrounds would like this little piece :) couldnt really be bothered to translate it. thanks for the comment


hooray, I won... I think. Are you supposed to run over them all or something, because when I ran out of hearts a text block came up and I dont speak whatever language that was. Anyway, the game was very boring! To make it better, you could have simply made the truck move faster, maybe increase the framerate or something.

ri0t1985 responds:

heh, you where supposed to miss them. but the language is in dutch, and it sais you died toomany times, click to try again :)
i probably shouldve edited that.

it's okay

i totally screwed up the first time because the directions weren't in english, so with the counter, i thought i was supposed to hit at least 10 turkeys. also, you will hit some no matter what. cute redneck theme, though.

ri0t1985 responds:

heh, i know the directions are in dutch. if the object was to hit the turkeys i wouldve made a turkey icon instead of a heart, but thanks for the review :)

Lollig spelletje

Maar uw kalkoenen liggen vaak lekker onontwijkbaar uw weg te versperren. Kan natuurlijk altijd de bedoeling wezen he. Leuk stemmetje...

(fun game but your turkeys often stand inavoidably in your way. Of course, it can be so on purpose. Nice voice...)

ri0t1985 responds:

i know the coding isnt perfect :) but i had fun making it, hope you had fun playing it as well



ri0t1985 responds:

my oh my.. that elusive capslock key... wherever could it be?