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Reviews for "The People versus Windows"

How Does This Make Sense?

Okay, so the blue and red lights are police cars. Why? Did Bill G somehow track this guy down and send the MS Gestapo -- er, I mean, marketing team -- to get him? It would help if there were some reason behind this.

And as for the "I don't make these often" excuse, that's hardly a reason to crank out a movie where your main character is a motion-tweened stickman and a block of text is supposed to pass for a startup screen.



Why did the computer monitor have blood coming out of it? It sure didn't look like fire.

Everyone deserves a fair chance, right?

Thats what this whole thing is about, fair chances. You had your chance, and you blew it. No sense in taking your anger out on other folks. You know, your movie really did suck. I hope it gets voted off, but, even worse, it's assholes like you that make it all suck. I read your reveiws. One answer said, "I'd like to see you take time to do your own, it took me a long time" or something to that effect, and then you answered one not 5 messages later "I don't have time to do fancy stuff" You get my jist. If you don't have time for quality, why waste our time with crap?

23681 responds:

you actually think i have time to do this?

Oooooh bad stuff

This looked like a good idea, until you made it. But hey you tried and the animation got you down. serves you right you should have spent more time on the animation.

I have an idea for a sequel, maybe some kind of overblown war against windows and humans?

Well either way you killed this idea.


OK, so you don't use a mac (obviuos because you can't draw, most macheads are creative), you don't use Linux or whatever it's called. So what do you use? FreeBSD?NetBSD? OpenBSD? SymphonyOS? AROS? AmigaOS? GNU/HURD? DragonflyBSD? IRIX? SOLARIS? Minix? UNIX? BeOS? Haiku? MenuetOS? EOS? RISCOS? QDOS/MSDOS? FreeDOS? QNX? Atari? An L4 microkernel? MACH? As long as it's not windows, as then you would be taking the piss out of people without realising what a hypocrite you are! (I still voted fairly though, but that's out of respect for NewGrounds)