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Reviews for "Star Wars Episode 3: ROTV"

Wow i wasnt expecting this!!

Wooo great work on everythnig. I truely wasnt expecting this, i was just assuming it was yet another star wars parody. What i got was something much better and i thank you for that. I will breifly explain each aspect in my review.

The graphics were quite good having used sprites. Im usually not a big fan of sprites but this is a definite exception. The backrounds were fairly detailed and you chose the characters pretty well. The animation looked fluent and smooth. Your style was just great, again with the great looking sprite animation. But also the way you made fun of star wars wasnt like the other flash i have seen. It was fresh and unique. Your story was pretty funny and i enjoyed it a lot. The feel was good, it was soo fun watching the fight scene. The sound was also very good in this. The sound effects were great, and the star wars songs were good to inform the viewers that it was indeed a star wars spoof. They kicked in at just the right times you needed them at. The voice acting was awesome, there was great expression in every characters voice, every character also sounded totally different. I couldnt get enough of the humour in this. The entire thing was laugh out loud funny. I especially liked the part near the end where Vince said something liek "next time dont fuck around with some one better than you" I laughed my ass off at that part.

Overall great job, i could not have enjoyed this more. Im surprised this doesnt have even a 4. Anyways please keep it up in the future. I give you a 5/5.

Vinstigator responds:

We seriously need more reviewers like you. And it actually almost had a 4.00 (it was at a 3.95 when it came out of judgement) but it's lowered since then. Anyway, thanks for the review. I look forward to seeing more from you in the near future.


ROFL hilarous!

Vinstigator responds:

Thx :D

I hate this one-line summary box

Very good, I enjoyed watching it, guess there was allot of inside jokes but I still found it funny, nice voice acting as well.

For some reason I can never get enough of the Vader Noooooo, hehe

Vinstigator responds:


Damn Straight Vince!!!

Excellent parody, regardless of what other dudes might say. I especially liked how you added sound dialogue to the sprites. Niiice touch man. It was a very cool mix of humor and seriousness at the same time (don't ask). Excellent Star Wars intro too!!! Long live Darth Paper!!!!

Vinstigator responds:

The ones who didn't like it are idiots. They don't know that the mispellings and randomness were intentional. But then again, I think I expect too much from idiots like them. Thanks for the feedback

pretty damn good.

i've seen it before the star wars motif, and after, and i have to say the adaptation of "front page pwnage" was very smooth.

for anyone who has reviewed this movie asking who did the voice for shin, or "darth paper", it was me.

i know nothing about him so i made fun of the fact that he was from quebec.

good work on this movie, vince, the animation was fairly smooth and the sound was excellent, with a few exceptions, such as:
i heard a faint female whispering near the end with darth paper lying down on the table and i wasn't able to understand a word she said, as well as the music kind of lowering the voices, but other than that, nothing much that i noticed or would complain about.

Vinstigator responds:

Thanks Psychoworm, excelent voice acting you got there. Cannibus Clock was very impressed with it. He e-mailed me and was like "LOL was the french accent guy Psychoworm? That was fuckin' hilarious!". Oh and he offered to do voices for my upcoming movies :D

Anyway, thanks for the review (and voice).